Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato Secures Record Funding for Nonpublic Schools

Queens, NY New York State Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato secured the highest investment in State funding for nonpublic schools during the recent 2024 State budget. Through her continued work, in partnership with TeachNYS, Agudath Israel of America, and NYS Council of Catholic School Superintendents, nonpublic schools throughout New York will receive a record allotment in funding for STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), arts and music, and school security. Since first elected in 2017, Pheffer Amato has been responsible for doubling the amount of funding allocated to nonpublic schools.

In the recent budget, the Assemblywoman was responsible for generating over $75.5 million in STEM education, millions of dollars higher than previous years. She also streamlined the creation of the first-ever reimbursement fund for arts and music education at nonpublic schools. In addition, due to the strong partnership between the Assemblywoman, TeachNYS, Agudath Israel and NYS Council of Catholic School Superintendents, all mandated service expenses will be fully funded - something TeachNYS called “historic.”

In another historic move, Pheffer Amato succeeded in increasing the annual allotment for nonpublic school security funding with a joint $105 million through the Nonpublic School Safety Equipment Grant (NPSE) and SCAHC (Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes). The competitive grants have been used by nonpublic schools in the Assemblywoman’s district for the hiring of security guards, or safety equipment.

“Safety and education are my top priorities. With this funding, nonpublic school students will continue to be in a safe and secure environment, while receiving a well-rounded education. This will help guarantee that students can compete in an ever-changing world for generations to come. It is my priority to ensure that every child has cutting-edge, multifaceted, and quality education that develops their skills and prepares them for the future,” said Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato.

“Catholic schools across the state will benefit from significant increases in state-funded programs enacted in this year’s state budget thanks to the efforts of Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato.The Catholic school community owes Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato its gratitude for working to support the families she represents - regardless of where they send their children to school,” said James Cultrara, Executive Secretary to the NYS Council of Catholic School Superintendents.

Rabbi Yeruchim Silber from Agudath Israel of America said, “This is a budget we can be proud of. Increased security funding and mandated service will benefit the students in every yeshiva and non-public school across the state. We are incredibly grateful to our champion, Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato, for securing the needs of the non-public school community.

“These are transformative dollars directly impacting our schools,” said Sydney Altfield, Executive Director, Teach NYS, a division of Teach Coalition. “The state of New York recognizes the importance of investing in the future of tomorrow no matter the choice of school they attend, and we are so grateful to our partner, Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato, for fighting alongside us to make this a reality.”