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Curran Votes in Favor of Pro-Surrogacy Bill

Assemblyman Brian Curran (Lynbrook-21st A.D.) voted for a proposal that would make the surrogacy process less complicated (A.4921-C). It accomplishes this by making definitions clearer regarding surrogacy. “I was proud to vote in favor of this proposal...

Curran Secures Funding for Rockville Centre Ambulance

Assemblyman Brian Curran (Lynbrook-21st A.D.) announced today to Rockville Centre residents that he has been successful in acquiring a $150,000 state grant to purchase a new ambulance to help the community. “I am proud to have secured these funds to...

Curran’s Pet Food Drive a Success

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Assemblyman Brian Curran (Lynbrook- 21st A.D.) announced the success of his pet food drive. In total, over 420 pounds of pet food was donated, which will be given to Long Island Cares to help pets in need. “Pets are more than just animals, they are...

Curran Supports Proposal to Help Survivors of Sexual Violence Get Justice

Assemblyman Brian Curran (Lynbrook-21st A.D.) announced he will become a co-sponsor on a proposal that would allow evidence of someone's prior sexual offenses to be admissible in a sexual offense proceeding (A.4992). This would allow juries to have a...

Curran Joins Colleagues to Call for End to Antisemitism

Assemblyman Brian Curran (Lynbrook-21st A.D.) joined his Assembly Minority colleagues to call for the passage of multiple bills in which he is a co-sponsor that would help combat antisemitism on college campuses. The first bill, introduced by Assemblyman...

Curran Announces Funding for Lynbrook Pool

Assemblyman Brian Curran (Lynbrook-21st A.D.) announced today to Lynbrook residents that he has been successful in acquiring a $75,000 state grant for improvements to the Lynbrook Pool at Greis Park. Curran, a Lynbrook resident, has an affinity for the...
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