Silver Unveils World Trade Center Victim Assistance and Lower Manhattan Economic Recovery Package Plan provides for family and rescue worker assistance, victim memorial and tax incentives to encourage business relocation to lower Manhattan |
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver today outlined a series of legislative proposals aimed at providing critical assistance to the families touched by the tragedy of the World Trade Center terrorism attack and to the public employees and volunteers who performed heroically in the wake of the disaster. The proposal includes immediate and long-term initiatives to assist in the important task of rebuilding the economy of lower Manhattan. "On the morning of September 11, we witnessed humanity at its worst," said Silver, during an afternoon news conference at which he was joined by key members of the New York City Assembly delegation. "But since those awful first moments, we've also seen humanity at its best. It is in this undaunted spirit of valor, hope and resilience that we today advance the Assembly's program aimed at empowering our city and country to recover from this tragedy. Our actions today are but the beginning of a long and challenging rebuilding effort. In the weeks and months to come, the Assembly will continue to present initiatives to address the many social and economic problems the attacks of September 11 have inflicted upon our citizens," Silver said. "Through this comprehensive set of proposals, we are seeking to establish an appropriate memorial for those who lost their lives in the attack, provide assistance to their families and create a variety of tools to help rebuild the city's economy and reclaim its rightful place as both financial capital of the world and center of arts, culture and entertainment to people everywhere," said Silver, whose Assembly district includes the area devastated by the attack and the surrounding community. Highlights of the $200 million, multi-year package include: providing financial assistance for families of victims; establishing a memorial commission to commemorate those who died in the terrorist attack and honor those offering assistance in its wake; a Lower Manhattan Resurgence Authority to plan, coordinate and finance efforts to rebuild the affected area; and significant tax incentives to promote business stability and growth in lower Manhattan. Providing Immediate Assistance to Victims' Families and Benefits to Rescue Workers In an effort to ease the financial burden on the families of those who were killed in the attacks or died trying to save others, the Assembly seeks to provide remedies to the immediate problems they face and assistance in meeting their future needs. Under the Assembly package, family members of deceased police officers, firefighters and other public employees would continue to receive their salaries. The package also would extend their health insurance benefits and create a supplemental, one-time death benefit for the surviving beneficiaries of all deceased public employees. For those public employees who were severely injured and will have to retire as a result of the terrorist attack, the package would create an enhanced disability pension amounting to three-fourths of their salary. In addition, all families of those killed in the attacks would be eligible for education memorial awards to be used toward tuition, fees and room and board at public and private colleges in the state. In an effort to provide continuity in insurance coverage, the Assembly proposals would establish a program aimed at continuing health coverage both for those who lost their jobs as a result of the attack and for survivors of those who died as a result of this tragedy. The Assembly package would also enhance the state's unemployment insurance program for workers affected by the attacks by waiving the four-day waiting period to receive benefits. In addition, it would waive the waiting period for claimants who lost jobs in the airline, restaurant, hotel or tourism industries because of the attack It also would allow employees who were not working but were still injured in the attack to receive weekly disability benefit payments. Silver said it was hoped all victims' costs to the state would be reimbursed by the federal government. The Assembly package also provides significant assistance through several tax benefits, including:
NOTE: The attached summary provides additional details on the Assembly Majority proposals.
Legislative Actions to Provide Immediate Assistance to Families of Victims and Benefits to Volunteers
Legislation to Provide for the Rebuilding of New York City
Thirteen Members, appointed by:
Chair appointed jointly by Governor and MayorNon-Voting Representatives, appointed by: Port Authority NYNJPurposes Develop master plan for lower Manhattan resurgenceAssets or Tools Receive and distribute federal, state, and private funds Facilitate federal and state programs to assist impacted businesses Community development bank, especially for small businesses Bond funds to be known as "Rebuild New York" bonds, to be available in large and small denominations (Need to request that Congress pass and the President sign legislation to provide that any bonds issued by a New York State entity devoted to rebuilding the area devastated by the terrorist act not be considered private activity bonds and that interest on all such bonds be exempt from federal income tax) Tax relief -- coordinate with Economic Development package Eminent domain power - limited to situations where original owners are unwilling or unable to cooperateProcedural Issues Limited duration (consistent with Economic Development package) proposal includes 10 year life for all activities except paying off obligations Applicability of contracting rules (e.g. MWBE, prevailing wage, project labor agreements) Lower Manhattan Tax Revitalization Plan
Liberty and Resurgence Zones
This program will build upon the State's current Empire Zone Program by creating two new zones, which will encompass Lower Manhattan. Businesses located in the Liberty Zone or Resurgence Zone will receive modified Empire Zone benefits. Businesses have 10 years to enter the program. Businesses will receive the benefits for 10 years, after which the benefits will be phased-out 20 percent annually, under the taxes on business income. The Zone benefits include:Employee Relocation Credit Provide a tax credit for any business located in Ground Zero that relocates and retains its employees within New York City. This one-time credit will be equal to $1,000 per employee relocated and retained in the City.Sales Tax Exemption for Replacement Equipment Provide a Sales Tax exemption to any business located in or relocating from Ground Zero for the replacement of destroyed equipment. The exemption would only apply to equipment not covered by insurance.Real Estate Transaction Taxes Provide an exemption from State and New York City transaction taxes for new property purchased or leased by a business that relocated from Ground Zero to another location within New York City. The exemptions would be provided under the State and City's Real Estate Transfer Tax and the Mortgage Recording Tax. The State would reimburse the City for any lost revenues associated with the exemption.CAPCO Program Authorize an additional $50 million in tax credits for companies that make new investments in Lower Manhattan through the Certified Capital Company Program (CAPCO). |