Audio Excerpt 1
"So we can't wait for a budget agreement. We can't wait until this winter is over. We need a three-way agreement by next
week at the latest. We need to give New Yorkers-in-need relief from the expense of heating their homes this winter and we need to
give them that relief right now," said Silver.
Audio Excerpt 2
"As usual New Yorkers are in this bind because President Bush and the Republican Congress have failed to provide funding
this state needs and deserves. Congress recently cut HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) funding to New York State." said Silver.
Audio Excerpt 3
"New Yorkers will need almost $500 million in HEAP program assistance. The $200 million we are proposing to add to
HEAP will bring the funding available under the program to approximately $478 million dollars ... much closer to what is
needed," said Silver.