Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages Elected Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus

Albany, NY Long Island Assemblymember Michaelle C. Solages was recently elected to serve as the Chair of the New York State Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus (BPHA) for a two-year term starting on January 1, 2021.

The Caucus is a body of legislators whose purpose and function is in the legislative process, and the manner in which that process affects the well-being of Black and Brown communities statewide. With 63 members, the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus is a pivotal force in the New York State Legislature.

“I would like to express my appreciation to the members of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus. It is an honor to be elected as Chair of this esteemed body,” stated Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages. “The BPHA is uniquely positioned to highlight the pain and needs of millions of New Yorkers who feel forgotten and left behind by the institutions they entrust to protect them. All of the issues that come before the legislature affect people of color, and we aim to empower our communities to engage more with these institutions of power to demand more access to opportunity and government accountability.”

“Chair-elect Solages has been a hands-on and thoughtful leader within the Caucus since I was appointed five years ago,” said Kyle Ishmael, Executive Director of the Caucus. “She has helped to guide the success of the Caucus as we’ve made progress on everything from criminal justice reforms, immigrant rights, and education; and has always been a strong advocate for families of color across New York State. I look forward to continuing to work with Assemblywoman Solages in her new capacity as Chair.”

Assemblywoman Michaelle C. Solages will be the first Chair to represent a district outside of New York City. As Chair, Michaelle seeks to address the challenges that face marginalized communities throughout the state. These include, but are not limited to, issues relating to racial health disparities, environmental injustice, educational inequity, mass incarceration, and more. With a federal administration that is hostile towards low-income people, minorities, and immigrants, the caucus must work to ensure that New York State is the last line of defense for all disenfranchised individuals.