Caucus Members Joined by Legislative Colleagues in Passing Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention During Ongoing Pandemic

ALBANY, NY (December 28, 2020) – Members of the New York State Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus were joined by their colleagues today to advance legislation to prevent evictions and foreclosures across New York State. The COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act will provide much-needed protections for New Yorkers by putting a temporary stay on evictions and residential mortgage foreclosures as we collectively continue to weather the storm of the pandemic.

“Today’s legislation and swift signage by the governor will give to all New Yorkers what has been sorely missing in 2020: peace of mind,” said Chair-elect Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages. “The best way to curb the growth of the virus, especially as we begin what will be a long vaccination effort, is to make sure people can remain safely in their homes. That’s why these protections are not just for renters, landlords, and homeowners, but for every single New Yorker who relies on the health and safety of their neighbors across the state. I’m honored to work with my colleagues in the Caucus to help advance this relief.”

“I am proud that the New York State Legislature convened an emergency special session to pass a comprehensive bill to protect struggling tenants, homeowners and small landlords in our state,” said Assemblywoman Karines Reyes. “This is an issue that I have worked on for the last 6 months as the COVID-19-induced economic downturn has greatly impacted my community. This is true for neighborhoods in my district, like West Farms, which has one of the highest unemployment rates in our state and has tenants that are having trouble paying their rent. This legislation is a lifeline to so many and will ensure that we do not evict or foreclose on New Yorkers during a public health crisis.”

“We are addressing the necessity of halting evictions for tenants, and foreclosures and negative credit reports for homeowners. [And] I'm proud to be a member of the Senate taking on this life-or-death issue,” said Caucus Housing Subcommittee Co-Chair Senator Robert Jackson. “While this pandemic has impacted all New Yorkers, many have been disproportionately affected more than others. In my largely immigrant and working-class district, tenants have been feeling squeezed and burdened beyond their means. Relief is literally a matter of survival for them.”

“The relief New Yorkers are receiving today is a direct result of residents across the state speaking with a clear and unequivocal voice,” said Caucus Housing Subcommittee Co-Chair Assemblywoman Diana Richardson. “If we are to finally get to the other side of this pandemic, we must ensure that all New Yorkers are able to remain in their homes. This is how they protect themselves, their families, their neighbors; and it is why we have worked throughout these last several months to bring this legislation to the floor.”