NYS Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, And Asian Legislative Caucus Releases Statement on Senate & Assembly Budget Proposals

ALBANY, NY (March 16, 2023) – In response to the release of the Senate and Assembly Budget proposals, Assemblywoman Michaelle C. Solages, Chair of the NYS Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus released the following statement:

“This week, the New York State Senate and Assembly respectively released their one-house budget proposals in response to the Governor’s Executive Budget released earlier this year. The Caucus is proud to have secured crucial achievements on behalf of Black, Latino, and Asian communities. Under the leadership of Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Speaker Carl Heastie, we have worked tirelessly with our colleagues in the legislature to ensure that both documents not only reflect the needs and values of working-class New Yorkers but also the policies required to build resilient communities.

Each house included support for prescient programs such as historic investments in education, funding to provide universal meals to students, landmark climate measures that cement our status as a national leader in decarbonization, the expansion of coverage for all, the critical COLA for all human services workers, and vital housing initiatives that will keep all people housed. We remain committed to prioritizing the needs of communities of color in our state.

While the legislative resolutions provide necessary leverage as we continue further into negotiations, there are Executive budget proposals that the legislature has rejected, which are unfavorable to the constituents we serve. Measures like tuition rate hikes for SUNY/CUNY, the 340B carve out, bail reform rollbacks, the ban on flavored tobacco, and the MTA payroll tax.

Our leaders in the legislature have provided a strong path forward for our state, and as a Caucus, we are committed to lending our voice in support during budget negotiations. The Caucus remains committed to uplifting those who have been locked out of the halls of power. We will remain organized and united in our shared goals of advancing the prosperity and livelihood of those who we represent.”