NYS Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus Expands Its Diversity and Footprint in the Legislature

ALBANY, NY (January 25, 2023) – This week, Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus (BPHA Caucus) inducted 12 new members to its body, expanding on the geographical and ideological diversity of the membership.

Under the BPHA Caucus Bylaws, a caucus member shall be an individual who self-identifies as Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, or Asian and formally submits their interest to join. With the swearing-in of these new legislators, the Caucus has expanded its current number of members to 76 in total.

The BPHA Caucus is one of the largest of its kind in the nation, ending the 2021-2022 legislative session with 67 legislators. As an organization, the Caucus is a body whose members are united by a common interest in the purpose and function of the legislative process and how that process affects the lives and well-being of the people, in general, and in particular, those persons with ties in the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian communities.

“The BPHA Caucus remains a force for good in New York State, even as we grow in ideological and geographical diversity. This session, we are focused on building resilient communities for the future and delivering on more historic wins that result in increased positive outcomes for Black, Latino, and Asian New Yorkers,” stated NYS Assemblymember Michaelle C. Solages, Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus.

"I'm proud to welcome these new members to the BPHA Caucus! The Caucus has long served as the conscience of the legislature, standing up for the rights of marginalized New Yorkers and working to pass laws for equity and justice. I look forward to serving alongside our new and returning members and advancing our agenda this session,” stated Senator Zellnor Myrie, 2nd Vice Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus.

“I am honored and privileged to have been inducted into the New York State Assembly’s Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus with 11 other members. As the first ever Republican of Indian American descent to enter the New York State Assembly in Albany, I vow to work tirelessly to provide accessible representation to my constituents and all New Yorkers alike. I am looking forward to collaborating with Caucus members on a number of issues that affect minority communities including crime, affordability, and access to a comprehensive education,” stated Assemblyman Anil Beephan Jr. (R,C-East Fishkill)

View the full list of current & new Caucus members here.