Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus Releases Statement on Monterey Park Mass Shooting

ALBANY, NY (January 23, 2023) – In response to the recent mass shooting in Monterey Park, California, the members of the NYS Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus, led by Chair Assemblywoman Michaele Solages (D-Nassau), released the following statements:

“Hate and gun violence have no boundaries, and we can no longer remain silent as Asian Americans experience drastic rises in shooting incidents across the country. We must stand together, regardless of race, and stop the violence. The Caucus is focused on working with the Executive to ensure mental health funding is allocated to those closest to the harm,” said Assemblymember Michaelle C. Solages, Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus.

“As New Yorkers celebrate the start of the Lunar New Year, yet another mass shooting took the lives of 10 people across the country in Monterey Park, California, and injured 10 others. As we await more details of this horrific massacre in a majority Asian community, we are reminded of the incessant barrage of hate and constant state-of-alert Asian Americans are forced to live by today. We are not helpless, and there are steps we can take to combat ignorance, fear and hatred. Asian Americans proudly share our heritage, culture and traditions on Lunar New Year not only for our benefit, but with great hope and expectation that we may help to bridge cultural divides and ultimately erode the stereotypes and racism that too often prevents our country from reaching the dreams of our forefathers, one that MLK so fittingly reiterated when he said ‘I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,’” stated State Senator John Liu. “In some ways, Americans did rise up, from ending slavery to the civil rights movement; we have baby stepped our way toward our country’s greatest ideals, but many long, rough roads lay forked before us. We may stay the course and allow for the status quo of hatred to continue, or we choose a path that includes the education necessary to teach our children to learn our shared histories, cultures and traditions as a means to stomp out ignorance, fear and senseless gun violence. For now, our hearts are with Monterey Park.”

​​“I am deeply heartbroken by the innocent lives taken by gun violence over the Lunar New Year holiday. A time meant for communities to come together and celebrate turned into our worst fears. My heart is with the family of the victims, the Monterey Park community, and the AAPI diaspora.” said Senator Iwen Chu. “Too many times we have said enough is enough and call on our federal government leaders to take swift action and end gun violence. We cannot wait for the next tragedy.”

“New Yorkers stand in solidarity with our Asian-American brothers and sisters. My heart breaks for the Monterey Park victims who sought solace and celebration during Lunar New Year but were met with senseless violence instead. We must continue to take the necessary steps to support and protect the APPI community from the drastic rise in targeted attacks across the country. We deserve better.” said State Senator Kevin Thomas.

“I am saddened and horrified by the news coming out of Monterey Park, California. It feels as though every celebratory event is now met with bloodshed. I am holding all of the families whose lives have just been upended in deep sorrow and grief, and pray for their healing,” Assemblymember Ron Kim said. “In the meantime, while we wait for further details, I am calling on the governor and mayor to mobilize state and local resources into Asian communities so we can safely gather for the Lunar New Year and beyond. Our Asian communities are reeling from murderous assault after murderous assault, and it is incumbent upon our leadership to provide safety back into our day-to-day lives."

“While Lunar New Year is normally a time for celebration and hopefulness, this year, the Monterey Park community instead woke up to the tragic news of a mass shooting has taken 11 lives and left more wounded. Mass shootings like this are becoming all too common. We do not have to live like this; it is beyond time to address gun violence in this country. My heart goes out to the family and friends of the victim and all those in Monterey Park who were affected by this senseless violence,” said Assemblymember Grace Lee.

"The horrific shooting in Monterey Park on the eve of Lunar New Year is heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the 10 people killed by senseless gun violence and the entire AAPI community," said Assemblywoman Nily Rozic. "At a time when hate crimes and domestic violence are at an all-time high it is crucial that we stand together to reject hate and support the entire AAPI community as they simultaneously celebrate the Lunar New Year and grieve loved ones.”

“My heart goes out to Monterey Park, and the victims and families devastated by the horrific gun violence that took place in the community. The beginning of the Lunar New Year should have been a time of joy and celebration for the Asian American communities in Monterey Park, instead, they are now in collective grief and with the constant fear of violence that will forever affect their lives,” said Assemblymember Steven Raga. "As we await further details of the investigation, New York State must do its part by standing in solidarity with our Asian American communities and focusing to address the root cause of these issues here. We must ensure that we provide more investment and make mental health resources more widely accessible to our marginalized communities.”