Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, And Asian Legislative Caucus Releases Response to Annual State of the State Address

ALBANY, NY (January 10, 2023) – Today, Governor Kathy Hochul shared her vision to propel New York State forward in her annual State of the State address. Last month, the Caucus released its 2023 People’s Budget Framework with the stated mission of “Building Resilient Communities.” The People’s Budget calls on the state to lay out an equitable vision for progress that is centered on generational solutions and targets the racial and socioeconomic barriers that are leaving individuals behind.

With the Governor’s support, it will be possible to make significant investments in expanding the state’s housing stock and access to housing. Consequently, this will require increased efforts from the state to enforce fair housing laws and tackle housing discrimination which remains a vital obstacle to making actual gains in combating the housing crisis. There is no doubt that there is a need for more housing, but eviction and foreclosure protection measures must be a part of the conversation. As the Executive stated, “Solving our housing crisis will make New York more affordable.”

Additionally, the proposal to invest $1 billion in our states’ mental health apparatus can help bring about a tangible change for individuals dealing with mental health issues. Between supportive housing, transitory services, and increasing the number of psychiatric beds in hospitals, the Caucus is ready and willing to partner closely with Governor Hochul to meet these ambitious goals.

A more sustainable future starts with a just transition to clean energy. To that end, the Caucus is proud to support the Executive’s energy plan, which calls for zero-emission new construction, with no on-site fossil fuel combustion for building; creating an Office of Just Transition; and the Waste Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act among other measures. These initiatives are all necessary environmental and climate related actions that support the objectives of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act passed in 2019.

One area where the Caucus is interested in further negotiating, is changes to New York’s revenue raising structure. For the state to fund our vital services, we must address the gross inequities allowing for wealthy individuals and corporations to not pay their fair share. To reach the vital childcare, housing, and climate goals presented in the State of the State, the Executive cannot leave out changes to the tax system.

While there are critical omissions from the Executive’s speech, our membership is encouraged to see multiple common objectives that allow room for further collaboration between the Caucus and the Executive to advance the long-term prosperity of Black, Latino, and Asian populations.

“There is much agreement on the overall direction that our state needs to take. We look forward to continuing the robust conversation around the needs of Black, Latino, and Asian New Yorkers throughout the budget negotiation process. The Governor has set a goal post for progress, and we are ready to work with our partners in government to meet those goals and fill in the gaps where needed,” said Assemblymember Michaelle C. Solages, Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus.

"It was refreshing to hear the Governor's plan for multiple new initiatives, as well as her commitment to work in partnership with the legislature, during today's State of the State. Raising the minimum wage, eradicating the use of fossil fuels, and the commitment to affordable housing will only improve the lives of all New Yorkers. I look forward to working collaboratively with the Governor on achieving these goals for the betterment of our great State." stated Assemblymember Catalina Cruz, 1st Vice Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus.

“I am encouraged that Governor Hochul intends to continue investing in our communities, affordable housing needs and mental health care system, and look forward to working with my colleagues in the Legislature and the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, And Asian Legislative Caucus to ensure the Greater Rochester Area receives the investments it deserves. While a $1 billion investment in our voluntary mental healthcare system is historic and builds on my advocacy as Chair, improvement is not possible without a well-trained and well-paid workforce to support it—which is why I remained focused on measures to support our human services workforce,” stated Senator Samra Brouk.

“I am happy to see Governor Hochul prioritize addressing New York’s housing crisis. As we work together on this issue, we must ensure that the policies adopted not only center tenants’ rights but establish a high quality of living,” said Assemblymember Steven Raga.