Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, & Asian Legislative Caucus Calls for Recognition of Diwali as a School Holiday

ALBANY, NY (January 24, 2023) – This week, the Caucus supported a coalition of community leaders and organizations calling for New York State schools to recognize Diwali as a holiday. The group, which includes members of the Hindu, Jain, and Sikh communities, is also organizing a Diwali Lobby Day on January 24th to raise awareness of the issue and advocate for change.

Diwali is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in the world. It is an important religious and cultural holiday for millions of Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs in New York State. However, many schools in the state still need to recognize Diwali as a holiday, and students and families are forced to choose between missing school and missing out on important celebrations with their community.

"Diwali is a cherished holiday for our community, and it is important that our schools recognize and respect the diversity of their student body," said Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages, Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, & Asian Legislative Caucus, a member of the coalition. "We believe that recognizing Diwali as a school holiday will promote inclusivity and understanding and will help to create a more welcoming and supportive environment for all students."

“As a proud member of the South Asian community, I understand the significance of Diwali not only to the millions around the world who celebrate, but also to the families in my district,” said Senator Jeremy Cooney (SD56-Rochester). “Recognizing Diwali as a school holiday respects those families who observe and also provides new opportunities to educate all New York students about the traditions of other cultures, including the often-overlooked AAPI communities.”

“Recognizing Diwali as an official school holiday in New York is overdue. Although two million New Yorkers celebrate every year, some schools across the state do not recognize Diwali as an official holiday, forcing certain students to choose between celebrations and missing class. As a proud Indian-American, I know how important the promotion of religious and cultural diversity is for students of all backgrounds to feel included, seen and celebrated,” said Senator Kevin Thomas (SD6).

The coalition is inviting members of the community to join them on Diwali Lobby Day, when they will be meeting with State Legislators to discuss the importance of recognizing Diwali as a school holiday.