Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus Releases Framework for Their Annual People’s Budget

ALBANY, NY (December 22, 2022) – Under the leadership of Chair Assemblymember Michaelle Solages (AD 22), the members of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus, released “The People’s Budget” – an annual document that outlines the budget priorities necessary to safeguard and empower Black, Latino, and Asian communities across New York State.

This year’s theme is “Building Resilient Communities,” which calls on the state to lay out an equitable vision for progress that is centered on generational solutions and targets the racial and socioeconomic barriers that are leaving individuals behind. Whether it is safeguarding disadvantaged groups affected by long-standing environmental injustices, enhancing the state’s mental health apparatus, or providing support for the human services workforce, this budget offers actionable solutions that would make New York a model for the nation.

“Today, the Caucus has outlined a budget focused on strengthening previous investments made by the state and proposing new solutions that advance the prosperity of marginalized New Yorkers. From our proposals to rein in wealth inequality to our initiatives to ensure a livable wage for our human services workforce, we remain committed to enacting policies that deliver tangible results and structural change. Let this budget be a blueprint to our partners in government on the imperative needs of Black, Latino, and Asian communities,” said Assemblymember Michaelle Solages, Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus.

“Bold problems deserve bold solutions. Our state is coming out of the worst of the COVID crisis, as preexisting challenges impacting everyday New Yorkers have changed and taken new forms. The 2023 People’s Budget proposes bold solutions to confront the challenges and systemic failures that have hindered marginalized communities of color for decades. As federal relief aid diminishes and economic times grow uncertain, this budget prioritizes responsible revenue increases and a stronger social safety net. This proposal is one that New Yorkers can be proud of and should be acted upon with urgency,” said Assemblymember Karines Reyes, R.N., Co-Chair Caucus State Budget Subcommittee.

"The State Budget is where we outline our priorities and values for the coming year and beyond. Heading into 2023, communities around the state need significant investments in healthcare, education, resilience and environmental justice, criminal legal reform and much more. The People's Budget points the way toward an equitable recovery for all New Yorkers," stated State Senator Zellnor Myrie, 2nd Vice-Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus.

“New Yorkers have made themselves very clear: they are feeling the pressure of the rising cost of living and stagnant wages. We emerged out of the COVID-19 pandemic into a mental health crisis. The People's Budget goes beyond responding to our current moment and lays out a path forward to build communities that are resilient to future crises. Negotiating for this vision starts on day one of session, and I’m ready to head back to Albany to fight for the Black, Latino, and Asian communities who carried the burden of the pandemic,” said State Senator Jessica Ramos, Chair of the Senate Labor Committee.

“The people of New York deserve better than bandages and stop gap legislation that eases the burden today without a plan for tomorrow. The 2023 People’s Budget will set our state on a path for a brighter future for all New Yorkers, regardless of the region they call home. We are committed to fully funding our schools, economic development that provides accessible jobs and living-wages and finalizing realizing our long-term goal of universal childcare. With this budget we are going to deliver for New Yorkers today, tomorrow, and for the next several decades,” said State Senator Jeremy Cooney.

“The Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus under the leadership of our Chair, Assemblywoman Solages, has laid out a clear path forward for us to deliver for communities of color. Our neighbors have been disproportionately impacted by the damage of COVID, inflation, and a campaign based on fear seeking to criminalize our neighbors. To keep our neighbors safe, I’m ready to advocate for funding for health and mental health, to feed our children and families, and to provide housing for all. I look forward to doing this with this collective of colleagues who want to build resilient communities,” said Assemblymember Jessica González-Rojas.

“I am proud to support the 2023 People’s Budget put forth by the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus and our Chair Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages.By tacking the issues that are directly impacting working and middle-class New Yorkers such as housing insecurity and the rising cost of living, we set a mandate that New York is committed to ending income inequality while expanding essential services to our most vulnerable communities. I am excited to get to back to Albany and work with the BPHA Caucus to move our State towards the right direction,” said Assemblymember Marcela Mitaynes.

“Budgets reflect our values, which is why it is so significant that policy priorities like Daniel’s Law, family mental health care and doula support have been included in the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislative Caucus’ 2023 People’s Budget Framework. Black and brown families have faced dangerous disparities that, for too long and at our own peril, have gone unaddressed. I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance this agenda of progress and hope to finally address these inequities for our families, build the family-centered infrastructure of tomorrow and provide the level of service and care that this moment demands.” said State Senator Samra Brouk.