Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus Releases Statement on Governor’s NYS Board of Parole Nominees

(ALBANY, NY June 8, 2023) – In light of the Governor’s nominations to the New York State Board of Parole, Assemblywoman Michaelle C. Solages, Chair of the New York State Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus, released the following statement:

“Last year, the Caucus recommended four uniquely qualified candidates to the Governor for the New York State Board of Parole (“the Board”) in hopes of creating a more inclusive body that can draw from their lived experiences when weighing the parole release of individuals appearing before them.

Unfortunately, none of the candidates recommended by the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus have been included in the Governor's nominations. Instead, the individuals currently under consideration, specifically Erin McCabe, Ana M. Enright, and Ernest F. Hart, have all been closely associated with the system we seek to reform, which raises profound concerns.

We firmly believe that a transformative and equitable parole system requires candidates who genuinely understand the needs of our communities and are committed to promoting justice and fairness. The Board is in dire need of individuals who can apply a trauma-informed lens and look at potential parolees holistically. It is imperative that we break away from the cycle of perpetual punishment and embrace new approaches that prioritize community safety, uphold human and civil rights, and foster rehabilitation.

We call upon the Governor to reconsider the nominations and select candidates who embody the principles of justice and fairness. It is our shared responsibility to build a parole system that fosters redemption.”