BPHA Caucus Chair Applauds Attorney General’s Racial Disparities in Homeownership Report

NEW YORK, NY November 3 ,2023In response to the release of the New York Attorney General report “Racial Disparities in Homeownership”, Assemblywoman Michaelle C. Solages, Chair of the New York State Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus, released this statement:

“Homeownership is more than just a matter of having a place to live; it represents the foundations of a families' futures. The disparities in homeownership rates detailed in this report are a stark reminder of the persistent gaps in our society. These discrepancies remind us of the difficult journey toward achieving true equality.

As the sponsor of the New York reparations commission legislation (A.7691), one of the foremost questions I have received is why reparations is still a topic in the year 2023. Instead, I ask why our society continues to see racially disparate outcomes in areas like housing, which we know is a social determinant of health and a necessary component of a quality life. If we are not willing to have these difficult conversations, New Yorkers will continue to suffer, and we will continue to stunt our great state's full potential.

It is crucial that we come together, acknowledging these disparities, and proactively seek lasting solutions that can bring about tangible change in our communities. I thank the Attorney General for putting the truth and data in the public discourse because while we know the anecdotal experiences, we need to detail the current harms to provide proper recourse.

Every New Yorker deserves an equal shot at homeownership and the financial security it entails. As we continue to organize ahead of session, the Caucus will be laser-focused on these issues come January.”