Lawmakers Join Advocates of the 'WiFi 4 Homeless' for Press Conference

(ALBANY, NY March 26, 2024) - Caucus members joined Senator Kristen Gonzalez, Assemblymember Karines Reyes and New York residents in the Capitol building to call for passage of the WiFi 4 Homeless Bill. If passed, this would ensure that wireless internet can be accessed by anyone residing in a homeless shelter.

"We need to make sure this makes it into the final executive budget. So, let’s send this message today to Governor Hochul, to our colleagues, to the legislature, because we want to see 'Wifi 4 Homeless' in this year’s budget." said Senator Kristen Gonzalez.

"Poverty is a policy decision. It is a decision to make people less than, but we stand here united making sure we empower our communities." said the Chair of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislative Caucus Michaelle Solages.

"You know, this is something that should be treated as a fundamental right, not a luxury. And, it is in the interest of all of our communities, it’s in the interest of public safety and it's just the right thing to do."said Senator Julia Salazar.

"Having access to Internet is a basic human right, it is a basic utility. You need water, you need food, you need shelter, and you cannot function in today’s society without access to Internet." said Senator Samra Brouk.

As a teacher, I had to recognize the fact that 1 in 10 public school students are homeless.... It is already so traumatic to be a child who doesn’t know where they will sleep that night, but to also have the embarrassment of saying you can't do your assignment" said Senator Jabari Brisport.

"When we need housing, they say go online and apply. When we need a job, they say go online and apply... When you need SNAP benefits and food stamps, they say go online and apply." said Assemblymember John Zaccaro Jr.