NYS Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus Highlights Key Budget Wins

Albany, NY – This week, the members of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus, led by Chair Assemblymember Michaelle C. Solages, voted to advance their top priorities from the 2024 People’s Budget in the SFY25 Enacted Budget. Together, the Caucus held firm throughout negotiations to stymie unfavorable proposals and attain vital wins for Black, Latino, & AAPI New Yorkers.

The People’s Budget, presented earlier in the year, is a blueprint for equity for communities of color. Throughout New York State To that end, the Caucus prioritized promoting further growth and opportunities in maternal health, higher education, climate action, labor rights, and cannabis enforcement measures.

On the healthcare front, the Caucus focused on expanding access to doula services and maternal mental healthcare to make these services more accessible to communities of color. This in addition to important reproductive health measures will help to strengthen the birthing experiences for Black mothers and more. The enacted budget also funded the Insulin for All measure, which eliminates copays for anyone who is prescribed the drug to combat diabetes. Additionally, members were successful in expanding infant Medicaid coverage along with safeguarding SUNY Downstate while the community weighs in on its future. Alternatively, one of the critical items left out of this year’s Budget was Coverage for All expanding healthcare access for immigrant New Yorkers. The Caucus will continue to fight for immigrant communities, who suffer from poor health outcomes due to their exclusion from our healthcare system.

The state’s efforts to combat the housing crisis has been a major area of concern for the Caucus, and members have worked hard to deliver an agreement this year. Although it may not be perfect, this deal does position the state to move forwards and build upon its gains. The Caucus will continue to advocate for affordability measures such as the Housing Access Voucher Program, Statewide Right to Counsel, and the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase (TOPA). The need for affordable housing in New York State has never been more critical, and there is still time to secure more vital wins for New Yorkers.

Another critical area of investment for the Caucus, is the state’s climate action and environmental justice measures. The budget restored the full $500 million of funding for clean water infrastructure to combat the modern prevalence of "forever chemicals”, such as PFAS and provided for $400 million for the Environmental Protection Fund. In addition, the Caucus ensures the continuation of its unique Timbuctoo Climate Science and Careers Summer Institutethat connects downstate youth to upstate communities and climate based careers.

“This year, the Caucus has centered its efforts on ‘A Demand for Justice,’ focusing on initiatives such as Black maternal care, tuition assistance, and environmental protection. No matter the topic, we remain committed to delivering justice for our shared communities,” stated Assemblymember Michaelle C. Solages, Caucus Chair. “We will continue to build on these significant wins from the budget process and ensure that our policies alleviate the everyday burdens faced by New Yorkers. Our goals include providing technical training and assistance to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline, empowering workers in trades and skilled professions, and enacting clemency justice in New York State as we advance our post-budget agenda.”

As the legislative session progresses, the Caucus will remain on the frontlines pushing forward a policy agenda that demands justice for marginalized communities.

“I am incredibly proud of the strides we’ve made in this budget. We’ve taken historic first steps towards universal afterschool programming, ensuring that every family who needs it has access and have made it clear that we not only reject a SUNY-Downstate closure plan but have invested $400 million dollars to keep SUNY-Downstate open to the community with a pathway for its sustainability. There is still more work to be done and we will continue fighting for policies that make New York a stronger, safer, fairer, and a better place to be.” stated Senator Zellnor Myrie, Caucus 2nd Vice-Chair.

“I commend my colleagues in the Senate for their tireless efforts in passing a budget that delivers meaningful initiatives and reforms for communities all over New York State. While we did not achieve everything we hoped to achieve, this budget represents a positive step forward for building a fairer and more affordable New York. We made significant progress in tackling issues related to education, healthcare, and affordable housing – areas that are critical to the well-being of all New Yorkers. We successfully restored Governor Hochul’s proposed cuts to education funding, ensuring that our students will continue to receive the quality education they require. We are also making higher education more accessible and affordable by increasing funding for the Tuition Assistance Program, and including part-time TAP for proprietary students,” stated Senator Nathalia Fernandez, Caucus Secretary.