March 2011
Vol. 25, #3
on available
state, federal
and private
inside for:
Grants to support projects that use Smart Growth Principles for the Adirondack Park
Grants to develop educational, cultural and recreational programs interpreting our natural heritage
Grants to support postdoctoral associates in chemistry
Grants to encourage collaboration between alcohol researchers in the extramural
community and those within the NIAAA
Grants to help teens excel in school, engage in their communities, and
develop life and leadership skills
Grants to support community programs that benefit children and families
Grant writing
Naomi Miller
Grants Action News
New York State Assembly
Alfred E. Smith Building
80 S. Swan St.
Suite 1710
Albany, NY 12248
On the state level...
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is accepting
applications for projects that implement Smart Growth Principles as they apply
within the special conditions of the Adirondack Park. Projects eligible for funding
must be located within the geographic boundaries of the Adirondack Park.
Categories may include: local, which involves one municipal government.
Applicants may request grant funding up to the maximum amount of $40,000;
regional, which involves three or more municipalities in a similar geographic region
of the Adirondack Park. Applicants may request grant funding up to the maximum
amount of $80,000; and park-wide, which involves multiple municipalities and have
a park-wide scope. Applicants may request grant funding up to the maximum
amount of $190,000. This grant program will give special consideration to strategic
planning projects for economic development and job creation. Applicants must
choose one of three eligible project categories, which are: village, hamlet, and town
center revitalization; sustainable economic development; and cultural, environmental
and natural Adirondack resources.
Eligibility: Municipalities located wholly or partially
within the geographic boundaries of the Adirondack Park.
Funding: A total of $500,000 is available.
Deadline: Friday, March 18, 2011.
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
is accepting applications for its Zoos, Botanical Gardens and Aquariums
(ZBGA) program. Applications are available for organizations that are not
currently receiving funding under the ZBGA program. The ZBGA program,
which is funded through annual appropriations from the state Environmental
Protection Fund, provides the stimulus to develop educational, cultural and
recreational programs interpreting our natural heritage, as well as support for
the permanent collections of eligible institutions throughout the state of New
York. ZBGA grants provide eligible local governments and non-profit
organizations timely and stable annual funding for operation costs and
program support. Applicants will be evaluated based on the administrative
and fiscal strength of the organization, the quality and care of its collections
and its level of service to the public.
Eligibility: Non-profit or public organizations; zoos;
botanical gardens; herbariums; arboretums; aquariums; bird sanctuaries;
natural habitat preserves; natural science museums; and nature and
environmental centers that own, house and care for living or systematically
organized collections of biological specimens and primarily provide such
services to the general public on a regular and predictable basis.
Funding: Grants are for two-year contracts. Contact
the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
for more information.
Deadline: Monday, March 28, 2011.
Joseph Grimaldi, assistant director
Bureau of Grants Management
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Empire State Plaza
Agency Building 1, 16th Floor
Albany, NY 12238
On the federal level...
National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation is accepting applications for the American
Competitiveness in Chemistry-Fellowship program. The program supports
postdoctoral associates in chemistry and seeks to: build ties between academic,
industrial, national laboratory, and/or the National Science Foundation Chemistry
Division-funded center researchers; and involve beginning scientists in efforts to
broaden participation in chemistry. Fellows will pursue research with industrial,
national laboratory, and/or Chemistry Division-funded center partners that will
enrich their in-house research program. In addition, fellows will develop and
implement their own plans for broadening participation in the chemical sciences.
Successful applicants must propose a well-integrated, synergistic research plan
with their chosen affiliate, as well as an effective outreach plan that will broaden
participation by underrepresented groups in chemistry. The research must be in
a thematic area that is supported by the National Science Foundation Division
of Chemistry. The program will support fellows for two years of postgraduate
Eligibility: U.S. universities and colleges; non-profit,
non-academic organizations with the prospective fellow as the Principal
Investigator (PI); individuals who are unaffiliated or affiliated with for-profit
organizations, state or local governments or federal agencies. When
applying as an independent/unaffiliated individual, the applicant must
register with FastLane prior to submitting his/her proposal and, if
recommended for a fellowship, must affiliate with a U.S. university,
college, or non-profit, non-academic organization.
Funding: A total of up to $2 million may be awarded
subject to availability of funds.
Deadline: Monday, April 4, 2011.
Funding Opportunity Number: 10-535.
Charles Pibel, program officer
Division of Chemistry
Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard, Room 1055
Arlington, VA 22230
National Institutes of Health
The National Institutes of Health, through its National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), is accepting applications for projects that
encourage collaboration between alcohol researchers in the extramural
community and those within the NIAAA intramural research program.
Projects should bring experts from the two groups together as a functioning
collaborative unit and address key alcohol-based research questions that they
would not otherwise be able to address working separately. The goal of the
research proposed by the collaborating investigators should address questions
that advance the alcohol-research field with respect to issues surrounding
alcohol-use disorders, including dependence and the effects of alcohol on
health. Because the nature and the scope of the proposed research will vary
from application to application, it’s anticipated that the size and duration of
each award will also vary. The total amount awarded and the number of awards
will depend upon the quality, duration and costs of the applications received.
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations; for-profit organizations
other than small businesses; small businesses; federally recognized Native
American tribal governments; Native American tribal organizations; state
governments; state, public and private institutions of higher education.
Funding: A total of $1 million is available.
Deadline: Wednesday, April 6, 2011.
Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-08-005.
Contact: Peter B. Silverman, Ph.D., J.D.
Deputy Scientific Director
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
5635 Fishers Lane, Room 3001
Bethesda, MD 20892
On the private level...
The Best Buy Children’s Foundation
The Best Buy Children’s Foundation strengthens communities through national
and local grant-making programs. With @15, the foundation’s philanthropic focus,
its goal is to empower teens to thrive by helping them excel in school, engage in
their communities, and develop life and leadership skills.
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations that provide positive
experiences for adolescents (primarily ages 12-17).
Funding: Visit
for more information.
Deadline: Visit The Best Buy Children’s Foundation’s website
for quarterly deadline information.
The BJ’s Charitable Foundation
The BJ’s Charitable Foundation is committed to creating a positive, long-lasting impact
on communities that have a BJ’s Wholesale Club. The mission of the foundation is to
enhance and enrich community programs that primarily benefit children and families.
BJ’s Charitable Foundation contributes the bulk of its funding to organizations that
provide services (in the form of hunger prevention, self-sufficiency, health care and
education) to those in need. All organizations are asked to visit its website,, as a first step in the application process.
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. 509(a)(3)
Type III non-functionally integrated supporting organizations are not
permitted to apply.
Funding: Visit The BJ’s Charitable Foundation’s website
for funding information.
Deadline: Visit The BJ’s Charitable Foundation’s website
for quarterly deadline information.
Contact: BJ’s Charitable Foundation
1 Mercer Rd
Natick, MA 01760
Grant writing
The Foundation Center
The Foundation Center has scheduled the following free training classes in
New York City during April 2011:
Grantseeking Basics: April 8, 13, 28
Attendees will learn how the center’s resources can help make them more effective grantseekers.
For beginners, this introduction to the library provides instruction in foundation research and
identification of potential funders. A tour of the library will follow.
Proposal Writing Basics: April 2, 6
Attendees will learn about the basics of writing a proposal for their non-profit organizations.
Introduction to Finding Funders: April 8, 28
This class provides a hands-on introduction on how to use the center’s comprehensive online
database – the Foundation Directory Online – to research and identify potential funders. The
Foundation Directory Online contains over 100,000 profiles of grantmaking institutions.
In addition:
Classes are held at The Foundation Center, located at:
New York Library
79 Fifth Ave. 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003
Space is limited, so register as soon as possible.
For additional training opportunities, to register, or for more information, call 212-620-4230 or visit
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