May 2011
Vol. 25, #5
on available
state, federal
and private
inside for:
Grants to support the Child Passenger Safety Program
Grants to support the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program
Grants to support the General Highway Safety Program
Grants to advance our knowledge of immune mediated
sensorineural hearing loss
Grants to advance our knowledge of microbial biological
processes and host-pathogen interactions
Grants to support projects that build a better tomorrow
Grant writing
Grants Action News
New York State Assembly
Alfred E. Smith Building
80 S. Swan St.
Suite 1710
Albany, NY 12248
On the state level...
New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
Child Passenger Safety Program
The New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC), through its
Child Passenger Safety Program, is accepting applications from non-profit
organizations, local governments and state agencies. These grants will
support funding for child passenger safety activities, such as: fitting stations;
training and education; child safety seat check events; and child safety seat
distribution programs for low-income families. GTSC oversees New York State’s
highway safety program and receives funding from the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration to address highway safety-related problems. The goal of the
program is to prevent motor-vehicle crashes, save lives and reduce the severity of
injuries suffered in crashes on the state’s roadways. Grants are awarded for one-year
periods, based on the availability of federal funding and the performance of the grantee.
New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
Selective Traffic Enforcement Program
The New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC), through its Selective
Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP), is accepting applications from non-profit
organizations, local governments and state agencies. STEP grants will provide funding
to help enforce laws in New York State against identified dangerous driving behaviors.
GTSC oversees New York State’s highway safety program and receives funding from the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to address highway safety-related problems.
The goal of the program is to prevent motor-vehicle crashes, save lives and reduce the
severity of injuries suffered in crashes on the state’s roadways. Grants are awarded for
one-year periods, based on the availability of federal funding and the performance of the
New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
General Highway Safety Program
The New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC), through its General
Highway Safety Program, is accepting applications from non-profit organizations, local
governments and state agencies. To qualify for funding, a highway safety problem must
be documented and quantified. In addition, an innovative solution addressing the problem
must be proposed. GTSC oversees New York State’s highway safety program and receives
funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to address highway
safety-related problems. The goal of the program is to prevent motor-vehicle crashes, save
lives and reduce the severity of injuries suffered in crashes on the state’s roadways. Grants
are awarded for one-year periods, based on the availability of federal funding and the
performance of the grantee.
Eligibility for all three grants:
Non-profit organizations; local governments; state agencies.
Funding: Contact the New York State Governor’s
Traffic Safety Committee for more information.
Deadline: Sunday, May 15, 2011.
On the federal level...
National Institutes of Health
The National Institutes of Health, through its National Institute on Deafness and
Other Communication Disorders, is accepting applications for research proposals
designed to further our understanding of the mechanism, etiology and pathophysiology
of immune mediated sensorineural hearing loss. Applications considered responsive
include: ear organ-specific autoimmune sensorineural hearing loss, i.e. autoimmune
inner ear disease (AIED); sudden sensorineural hearing loss attributable to AIED; and
sensorineural hearing loss associated with systemic autoimmune disease. Proposals
primarily involving human subjects/tissues will be given highest priority.
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations; for-profit organizations
other than small businesses; small businesses; federally recognized Native
American tribal governments; Native American tribal organizations; state
governments; state, public and private institutions of higher education.
Funding: Contact the National Institute on Deafness and
Other Communication Disorders for more information.
Deadline: Wednesday, June 8, 2011.
Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-DC-11-002.
Bracie Watson, Jr., Ph.D.
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Division of Scientific Programs
6120 Executive Blvd., EPS 400C MSC 7180
Bethesda, MD 20892
National Institutes of Health
The National Institutes of Health, through its National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases, is accepting applications for research projects
that focus on using chemical tools to either address scientific questions
about microbial biological processes and host-pathogen interactions
and/or determine the biological activity of host or pathogen proteins.
Rather than focusing on identifying medicinal products, these projects
should take a broader approach of analyzing biological targets that can
serve as the basis for future chemical screens to identify drug candidates,
as well as contribute to functional annotation of gene products.
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations; for-profit
organizations other than small businesses; small businesses;
federally recognized Native American tribal governments; Native
American tribal organizations; state, county, city or township,
and special district governments; independent school districts;
state, public and private institutions of higher education.
Funding: A total of $8 million is available.
Individual awards are not to exceed $750,000 in direct costs.
Deadline: Wednesday, June 15, 2011.
Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-AI-11-004.
Contact: Dr. Christine Sizemore
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
On the private level...
The Mazda Foundation
The Mazda Foundation is committed to building a better tomorrow through
support of meaningful programs that make a difference. Those programs
should advance: education and literacy; environmental conservation;
cross-cultural understanding; social welfare; and scientific research.
Eligibility: Non-profit organizations.
Funding: Grants typically range between
$5,000 and $15,000 each.
Deadline: Applications will be accepted
from Sunday, May 1–Friday, July 1.
Grant writing
The Foundation Center
The Foundation Center has scheduled the following free training classes in
New York City during June 2011:
Grantseeking Basics: June 2, 15, 28
Attendees will learn how the center’s resources can help make them more effective grantseekers.
For beginners, this introduction to the library provides instruction in foundation research and
identification of potential funders. A tour of the library will follow.
Proposal Writing Basics: June 9
Attendees will learn about the basics of writing a proposal for their non-profit organizations.
Introduction to Finding Funders: June 2, 28
This class provides a hands-on introduction on how to use the center’s comprehensive online
database – the Foundation Directory Online – to research and identify potential funders. The
Foundation Directory Online contains over 100,000 profiles of grantmaking institutions.
How to Approach a Foundation: June 17
Attendees will learn how to initiate contact with potential donors, plan calls and meetings, and
build partnerships with sponsors. This class is intended for fundraisers who have some experience
but are not experts.
In addition:
Classes are held at The Foundation Center, located at:
New York Library
79 Fifth Ave. 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003
Space is limited, so register as soon as possible.
For additional training opportunities, to register, or for more information, call 212-620-4230 or visit
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