Allows for hands-free gas dispensing at self-service gas stations in Nassau county by equipping hold open clips on gasoline and diesel fuel dispensing nozzles.
2023-2024 Regular Sessions
April 3, 2023
Introduced by M. of A. DARLING -- read once and referred to the Commit-
tee on Consumer Affairs and Protection -- committee discharged, bill
amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-
AN ACT to amend the general business law, in relation to requiring
hands-free gas dispensing at self-service gas stations in the county
of Nassau
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. The general business law is amended by adding a new section
2 396-xx to read as follows:
3 § 396-xx. Hands-free gas dispensing in the county of Nassau. 1.
4 Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contrary, any
5 person, firm or corporation owning or operating a premises or facility
6 for the retail sale of motor fuels for use in motor vehicles and offer-
7 ing self-service in the county of Nassau at the time this section takes
8 effect shall be required to equip gasoline and diesel fuel dispensing
9 nozzles on the premises with hold open clips to allow for hands-free
10 gasoline and diesel fuel dispensing.
11 2. Such hands-free gasoline and diesel fuel dispensing nozzles shall
12 only be acceptable for use if:
13 (a) the gasoline and diesel fuel dispensing nozzles meet acceptable
14 safety standards as set forth by law, rule or regulation; and
15 (b) a sign is posted in a clear and conspicuous manner indicating that
16 any person, other than an attendant, who uses a hands-free gasoline or
17 diesel fuel dispensing nozzle shall remain within ten feet and within
18 plain sight of the refueling point during any refueling operation.
19 3. It shall be the responsibility of the person, firm or corporation
20 owning or operating a premises or facility for the retail sale of motor
21 fuels for use in motor vehicles in the county of Nassau to familiarize
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
A. 6147--A 2
1 attendant employees of such premises or facility with the location and
2 operation of the stations' emergency fuel shut-off switch.
3 4. Any new premises or facility being constructed for the retail sale
4 of motor fuels for use in motor vehicles in the county of Nassau shall
5 be required, at the time of initial construction, to equip every gaso-
6 line and diesel fuel dispensing nozzle on the premises with a hold open
7 clip to allow for hands-free gasoline and diesel fuel dispensing.
8 5. For purposes of this section, "hold open clip" means a small metal
9 lever within a gas pump handle which allows a gasoline or diesel fuel
10 dispensing nozzle to continue pumping gasoline or diesel fuel without an
11 individual having to manually and continuously hold the gas pump handle.
12 § 2. This act shall take effect ninety days after it shall have become
13 a law.