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A01152 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     January 9, 2025
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  RA,  GIGLIO -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Labor
        AN ACT to amend the labor law, in relation to requiring  the  department
          of  labor to collect and report certain information regarding requests
          from the governor or the governor's authorized agent for federal Title
          XII advances for the state unemployment trust fund
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Section  550  of the labor law is amended by adding a new
     2  subdivision 5 to read as follows:
     3    5. (a) The department  shall  collect  the  following  data  regarding
     4  requests from the governor or the governor's authorized agent for feder-
     5  al  Title XII advances for the state unemployment trust fund, as permit-
     6  ted by section 1201 of the federal social security act,  and  compile  a
     7  report that includes the following:
     8    (i)  the  total  dollar amount requested by the governor or the gover-
     9  nor's authorized agent  for  federal  Title  XII  advances  pursuant  to
    10  section 1201 (a)(1)(A) of the federal social security act;
    11    (ii) the advance requested for each individual month of the three-con-
    12  secutive-month  loan period as required by section 1201 (a)(1)(A) of the
    13  federal social security act;
    14    (iii) the current interest rate applied to any state advance  received
    15  by  the  governor  or  the governor's authorized agent as defined by the
    16  United States government or its agent;
    17    (iv) a descriptive list of the reason or reasons the governor  or  the
    18  governor's authorized agent requested such state advance;
    19    (v)  any supplemental or amended requests for advances in any month in
    20  which it is determined that the previously approved amount  is  insuffi-
    21  cient to meet benefit payment obligations;
    22    (vi)  the  anticipated repayment date of any state advance received by
    23  the governor or the governor's authorized agent;
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1152                             2
     1    (vii) a descriptive list of the impact on employers that  the  state's
     2  failure  to  repay  such  loan would have according to federal Title XII
     3  advances in relation to the reduction of their federal unemployment  tax
     4  act (FUTA) tax; and
     5    (viii)  any  other  information the commissioner may deem necessary to
     6  include in such report.
     7    (b) The department shall submit  such  report  to  the  governor,  the
     8  speaker  of  the  assembly,  the  temporary president of the senate, the
     9  assembly minority leader, the senate minority leader, the chairperson of
    10  the assembly ways and means committee and the chairperson of the  senate
    11  finance  committee  no  later than thirty days after the governor or the
    12  governor's authorized agent submits a request for a  federal  Title  XII
    13  advance from the United States secretary of labor, and shall continue to
    14  report  the  information required by this subdivision annually until the
    15  outstanding federal Title XII advance is repaid in full.
    16    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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