Press Releases

Standing up for Working Families, Census 2020 and the CLCPA becomes law!

Legislative Session Wrap Up

Landmark Tenant Protections PASSED, Green Light Bill, Vaccine Legislation & Better Buses

Final Reminder: Answer Fair on Sunday + A Big Victory For The Environment!

Critical Tenant and Environmental Protection Legislation + Community Events And The Answer Fair!

Critical Rent Reforms On The Horizon + Save The Date: Brooklyn Answer Fair 2019

2019-2020 State Budget Summary

Budget Countdown + Windsor Terrace Library Update

Public Financing of Elections + Speed Camera Victory & Week in Review

My Op-Ed on Dyslexia in the Albany Times Union and the Assembly Budget Resolution + Budget Town Hall Next Week and St. Patrick's Day Parade

Pied-e-Terre, Join the March + Thursday Housing Help w/FDC and 1st Grade Civics at PS 10!

Big News on the Brooklyn Irish American/St. Patrick's Day Parade + Mass Transit Funding, Budget and Housing News

Reminder: My Legislative and Budget Town Hall on Monday + Big Win for Dyslexic students in Georgia

Mayor in Albany and Lots of Budget News and Advocacy

More Progressive Victories, Congestion Pricing and Upcoming Community Town Halls

More Historic Legislation Passed in Albany + Budget Hearing Kickoff & More

My Daily News Op-Ed on Amazon, Remarks at MTA Board Hearing and Legislative Session Preview

Environmental Recognition, Supporting Immigrant Families, Fighting for Speed Cameras & More

Senate Inaction on Speed Cameras + Legislative Session Recap

Supreme Court Decisions, Fighting for MTA Funding & Speed Cameras