Assemblyman Jones: With New Governor in Charge, New Yorkers Finally Get Transparency on COVID-19 Death Toll

“We’ll never forget the thousands of loved ones, friends and neighbors we tragically lost over the course of this pandemic. For months, I’ve called on the state Department of Health and previous administration to release accurate data regarding nursing homes and the COVID-19 death toll. In her first daily COVID-19 briefing, Gov. Hochul added 12,000 more deaths to the state’s total fatalities – consistent with data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These additional deaths include those who died in their home, hospice, correctional facilities or adult long-term care facilities. It is unacceptable that families and loved ones have waited so long for this information and the Cuomo administration should be ashamed for withholding this data from the public.

“This information has been concealed for far too long and this was the right thing for Governor Hochul to do. The truth matters, and hopefully moving forward the state will continue to report accurate data.”