Curran Supports Proposal to Help Survivors of Sexual Violence Get Justice

Assemblyman Brian Curran (Lynbrook-21st A.D.) announced he will become a co-sponsor on a proposal that would allow evidence of someone's prior sexual offenses to be admissible in a sexual offense proceeding (A.4992). This would allow juries to have a better picture of a defendant's actions and make sure they have access to all relevant evidence.

“It is a fact that most of those convicted of rape are serial criminals, but currently, evidence of these repeated instances of sexual violence is not allowed in court. This is plain wrong, a defendant's criminal history must be allowed to be taken into consideration. Prosecutors must be allowed to use this evidence, so as not to be forced to solely rely on the bravery and testimony of a survivor. I am proud to support this proposal and will always work to make sure victims receive the justice they deserve,” said Curran.