Curran Joins Colleagues to Call for End to Antisemitism

Assemblyman Brian Curran (Lynbrook-21st A.D.) joined his Assembly Minority colleagues to call for the passage of multiple bills in which he is a co-sponsor that would help combat antisemitism on college campuses. The first bill, introduced by Assemblyman Ari Brown (A.8399), would ban colleges in the state from using public funds to benefit those who are engaged in antisemitic activity on campus. The second bill, introduced by Assemblyman Ed Ra (A.8279), would require sensitivity training regarding antisemitism and mandatory reporting on antisemitic incidents.

“Antisemitism, along with all other forms of hate, has no place in any civilized society, and certainly not in New York. Unfortunately, since the October 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel, we have seen a rise of antisemitism most disturbingly on our college campuses, with students and faculty actively praising the terrorist killers of Hamas. Universities are supposed to be places of learning, but they have become places of hate, where Jewish students no longer feel safe. These two common-sense, simple proposals would train people on antisemitism and make sure those praising Hamas do not receive any taxpayer dollars. I unequivocally stand with Israel and all Jewish New Yorkers and will continue to work to make New York a place where everyone, regardless of religion, can feel safe,” said Curran.