Assemblyman Charles Fall Issues Statement Condemning Offensive Remarks by CUNY Officer and Calls for Full Investigation

"I am deeply disturbed and outraged by the incident involving a CUNY public safety officer at the College of Staten Island’s graduation ceremony. The officer's reprehensible comments, which included expressing support for genocide and the killing of pro-Palestinian protesters, are utterly unacceptable and do not reflect the values of our community or the principles of justice and respect we strive to uphold.

Such inflammatory and violent rhetoric has no place in our educational institutions or society at large. I call upon CUNY leadership to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into this incident. It is imperative that appropriate actions are taken to address this misconduct and ensure the safety and well-being of all students. We must work together to create an environment where every individual feels safe, respected, and valued.

Furthermore, I urge CUNY to implement additional training and oversight for their public safety officers to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. Our schools should be sanctuaries of learning and growth, not venues for hate speech and egregious behavior.”