McDonough Collecting School Supplies

Assemblyman Dave McDonough (R,C-Merrick) is currently collecting school supplies for students in need. All donations will go to the John Theissen Children’s Foundation to help those in the community. Already, many items have been collected due to the generosity of those in the community. Items needed include pencils, pens, crayons, erasers, scissors, backpacks, folders, paper, notebooks and three-ring binders.

“During these tough economic times, we must look after our fellow human beings, that is why I have always been happy to host my annual school supply drive. Students are the future, and we must do everything to make sure they are fully prepared to learn during the school year. I hope everyone in the community will consider giving to a student in need and a big thank you if you have already donated,” said McDonough.

Donations for the school supply drive can be dropped off at McDonough’s District Office, located at 404 Bedford Avenue, Bellmore, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.