Press Releases

Legislature Passes Thiele Bill to Hold Polluters Accountable for Contaminating Drinking Water Supply

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) announced the unanimous passage of his legislation in the Assembly on June 4th that clarifies the Civil Practice Law and Rules regarding the statute of limitations for public water suppliers...

NYS DOT to Install Crosswalks and School Crossing Warning Signs Near the Shelter Island School

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) announced that the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) will install crosswalks and school crossing warning signs near the Shelter Island School to alert drivers of potential...

Assemblyman Thiele is Working to Ensure That New Yorkers with Disabilities Receive Equal Opportunities

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) announced that he passed a series of bills to help New Yorkers with disabilities lead full, independent lives by ensuring access to critical resources, expanding disability rights and encouraging...

State Supreme Court Grants Preliminary Injunction Against Sand Land

On May 31, 2019, the State Supreme Court in Albany County granted the petition of neighbors, civic groups, local government and elected officials, including myself, seeking a preliminary injunction against Sand Land and the State Department of Environmental...

Assemblyman Thiele: Legislation Bans Undetectable Guns, Continues Assembly’s Efforts to Prevent Gun Violence

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) announced that he passed legislation criminalizing the manufacture, sale, transport and possession of firearms, rifles, shotguns or the major components of such weapons that are undetectable...

Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund Rebounds in April; Revenues for April 2019 Were $7.4 Million

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) today reported that 2019 revenues for the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund (CPF) for the first four months were $23.94 million, 24.2% LOWER than the first four months a year ago, when $31.6...

Assembly Legislation Helps Victims of Domestic Violence Take Back Their Lives

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) announced that he passed legislation to help protect and empower victims of domestic violence by ensuring they have the resources necessary to put their health and safety first and hold their...

Thiele and LaValle Introduce Legislation to Prohibit Mining on Contaminated Sites within State Special Groundwater Protection Areas

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. and State Senator Kenneth P. LaValle have introduced state legislation that would prohibit mining on contaminated lands within State designated Special Groundwater Protection Areas (SGPAs). The legislation would prohibit...

Assemblyman Thiele: The Actions We Take Now to Protect the Earth Will Help Generations to Come

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) announced that he helped pass a series of bills to safeguard public health and protect our environment in recognition of Earth Day, which was April 22. The legislative package includes measures...

Assemblyman Thiele: Arrive Alive Pledge Aims to Prevent Drunk and Drugged Driving on Prom Night

For many teenagers, the hustle and excitement of prom season is fast approaching. Before the big night arrives, Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) is encouraging parents and teens to take the Arrive Alive pledge together to ensure...

State Funds Land Trusts with $2.2 Million in Conservation Partnership Program Grants

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) announced more than $2.2 million in Conservation Partnership Program grants for 47 not-for-profit land trusts across the state, including a $25,000 capacity grant for the Peconic Land Trust...

Assemblyman Thiele: Donate Blood and Help Save a Life

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) is encouraging East End residents to donate blood at the Hampton Bays Fire Department Blood Drive on Saturday, May 11 from 9am to 3pm. New York Blood Center (NYBC) has just declared an emergency...

Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund Revenues for 1st Quarter of 2019 Decrease By 29.3% Compared With 2018

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) today reported that 2019 first quarter revenues for the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund (CPF) were $16.54 million, 29.3% lower than the first quarter a year ago when $23.4 million was collected....

New York State Awards Town of Southampton $756,000 for Hampton Bays Bicycle and Multi-Use Trail

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) announced that $5.6 million in new funding for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure has been awarded for three projects throughout Long Island, including $756,000 to the Town of Southampton...

Assemblyman Thiele: Rail-Siding Between Montauk and Speonk Gets Funding in 2019-20 State Budget, Identified as MTA Priority

New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF-Sag Harbor) today announced that a proposal to improve East End transportation infrastructure has cleared significant hurdles. The recently-enacted 2019-20 State Budget agreement is expected...

Assemblyman Thiele: Assembly Legislation Puts Power Back in the Hands of Crime Victims

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) announced that he helped pass a legislative package that includes measures to support victims of human trafficking, broaden the definition of rape and protect individuals who report crimes to...

Assemblyman Thiele: Save Lives and Support the Cause, Become an Organ Donor Today

Over 100,000 people are waiting for a call that determines the fate of their life, and that waiting list only continues to grow.[1] The men, women and children on the organ transplant list rely on us. By registering to be an organ donor, we have the power...

Assemblyman Thiele: 2019-20 State Budget Helps New Yorkers Get Ahead, Moves Our State Forward

New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (D, I, WF, REF-Sag Harbor) announced that he helped pass a $175.5 billion 2019-20 state budget that builds on the historic progress that’s already been made this year and stays true to the Assembly’s...

2019 State Budget Approves $100,000 to Continue Montauk Summer Bus Shuttle

New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE-Sag Harbor) today announced that the 2019-2020 enacted State Budget approved by the State Legislature contains $100,000 for the Town of East Hampton to continue the successful summer bus shuttle...

2019 State Budget Continues Funding for South Fork School Based Mental Health Initiative

New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE-Sag Harbor) today announced that the enacted 2019-20 State Budget contains $175,000 to continue the successful South Fork Community Mental Health Initiative. The program, a partnership between...