Press Releases

State Assembly Passes Legislation Authorizing the Issuance of September 11 Commemorative License Plate

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE - Sag Harbor) today announced that on May 31, 2018, the State Assembly passed A.7715, which Thiele sponsors, authorizing a special license plate commemorating the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist...

Assembly Passes Legislation to Support New Yorkers with Disabilities

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE - Sag Harbor) announced that he helped pass a legislative package to help ensure equality and fairness for New Yorkers with disabilities by strengthening anti-discrimination protections and improving access...

Statement from Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr.: IRS Puts the Kabosh on New York State Federal Tax Work-Arounds – No Surprise

In December 2017, the U.S. Congress enacted a new federal tax bill that placed a $10,000 cap on SALT (State And Local Tax) deductions. At the time, I stated that this tax change was grossly unfair to New York, particularly Long Island. New York already...

Thiele Receives New York Farm Bureau 2017 “Circle of Friends” Award

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced that he has been named to the New York Farm Bureau (NYFB) “Circle of Friends” for the 2017 session. This legislative award is based on Thiele’s demonstrated understanding of the importance...

Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund Revenues for First Four Months of 2018 Increase 10.7% Compared With 2017

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) today reported that 2018 revenues for the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund (CPF) for the first four months were $31.6 million, 10.7% HIGHER than the first four months a year ago, when $28.55...

State Legislation Would Prohibit Co-Location of Mining and Waste Facilities Over Sole Source Aquifers

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. and State Senator Kenneth P. LaValle have introduced legislation (A.10635/S.8564) that would prohibit State agencies, such as the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, from processing or approving permits or permit...

New York State Awards East Hampton Housing Authority $7 Million for Amagansett Affordable Housing Development

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE - Sag Harbor) announced that the East Hampton Housing Authority is receiving a $7 million Unified Funding award from the NYS Homes & Community Renewal for its affordable housing project at 531 Montauk Highway...

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele Jr.: Honoring the Lives Lost Defending Our Country

During the first national celebration of Memorial Day on May 30, 1868, at Arlington National Cemetery, then-Congressman and future president James A. Garfield spoke poignant words: “If silence is ever golden, it must be here beside the graves of 15,000...

Thiele Joins Over 100 State Legislators Who Stand In Opposition to the Pollinators Provision in the House Draft Farm Bill

In response to the draft Farm Bill language under development by the U.S. Congress, Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE - Sag Harbor) joined 116 other state legislators in opposition to a provision that we fear will cause harm to pollinators....

Thiele and LaValle Sponsor Legislative Package to Make Septic System Upgrades More Affordable

State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr and State Senator Kenneth P. LaValle have introduced a 3-bill legislative package designed to reduce the cost to homeowners for the installation of advanced treatment septic systems that remove nitrogen. 360,000 homes...

Assemblyman Thiele: Montauk Downs and Sag Harbor State Parks Receive State Park Improvement Funding

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE - Sag Harbor) announced today that the Montauk Downs and Sag Harbor State Parks are receiving $75,000 and $60,000, respectively, for sanitary system upgrades, as part of the “NY Parks 2020” plan. The funding,...

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr.: Assembly Takes Stand for Transgender Rights, Passes GENDA

“It’s up to us to take a stand for the rights of all New Yorkers. All too often, transgender individuals come face to face with bigotry, inequality and discrimination solely because of who they are. From housing to health care, the essentials that...

Thiele: Peconic Land Trust Awarded NYS Conservation Grant to Boost Tourism, Farmland Protection and Public Access for Recreation

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE - Sag Harbor) announced that the Peconic Land Trust has been awarded a $45,000 grant through New York’s Conservation Partnership Program to help protect farmland, wildlife habitat, water quality, enhance...

Statement From Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. for NYSERDA Offshore Wind Meeting in Southampton, New York on May 7, 2018

On the occasion of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) meeting on offshore wind in Southampton, I wish to take the opportunity to again state my position on offshore wind energy projects in New York State and Long Island,...

Assemblyman Thiele: Legislation Gives Control of Teacher Evaluations Back to Local School Districts

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE - Sag Harbor) announced that he passed legislation to improve teacher evaluations by delinking them from standardized testing and returning control to local school districts (A.10475). This legislation recognizes...

Assemblyman Thiele: Childhood Sexual Abuse Victims Deserve to Have Voices Heard, See Justice Served

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE - Sag Harbor) announced that he helped pass legislation, known as the Child Victims Act, to enable more victims of childhood sexual abuse to face their abusers in civil or criminal court (A.5885-A). The bill...

Statement from Assemblyman Fred Thiele and State Senator Ken LaValle on State Supreme Court Decision in Town of Brookhaven v. LIPA and PSEG-LI

We have reviewed the court decision in the Eastport monster poles cases. We are deeply disappointed in the result. PSEG-LI failed to adequately notify elected officials and the public about this project before making a State Environmental Quality Review...

Assemblyman Thiele’s Pet Food Drive Ended on April 30th

New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE-Sag Harbor) announced that his Pet Food Drive Challenge, in association with Long Island Cares’ Baxter’s Pet Pantry, ended on April 30th. This drive, which ran for two months, focused on...

Department of Transportation to Rehabilitate Bridge Deficiencies on NYS Route 27 in Brookhaven

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE - Sag Harbor) announced that the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) is planning to rehabilitate deficient elements of two bridges on NYS Route 27 in Brookhaven. The areas designated to be worked...

Assemblyman Thiele: We Only Have One Earth – We Must Protect It

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE-Sag Harbor) announced the Assembly passage of a series of bills he co-sponsors to protect the environment and ensure clean air and water for all New Yorkers. The legislative package also includes a Legislative...