Thiele Bill to Extend Use of Circle Hooks for Taking of Sharks Passes Assembly

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF-Sag Harbor) announced that legislation he sponsored, A.9218, which would extend the expiration date of Chapter 378 of the Laws of 2014, passed the Assembly by a vote of 139-2. Chapter 378 of 2014 amended the Environmental Conservation Law to prohibit the taking of sharks, except for the spiny dogfish, for commercial or recreational purposes by baited hooking except with the use of non-stainless steel non-offset circle hooks. The law also requires that shark tournament rules must stipulate the exclusive use of such circle hooks. Chapter 378 currently expires on December 31, 2016. A.9218 would extend the expiration date to December 31, 2018.

A circle hook is a fishing hook by which the point is turned perpendicular to the shank to form a circular shape. Scientific studies predict higher survival rates for released fish when circle hooks and catch-and-release techniques are used, as circle hooks are more likely to hook a fish in the mouth rather than the gut. Circle hooks are easier to remove than the typically used J hook and can reduce the potential harm to fish. Non-stainless hooks further enhance survival rates as they dissolve in the digestive system, especially in large predator fish like sharks.

Several species of sharks are endangered and many more are threatened as populations worldwide are dwindling. Efforts like this legislation are needed to decrease the mortality rates of sharks that unnecessarily expire after being freed from a baited hook. It is especially important for sharks that have reached sexual maturity to be able to breed and reproduce to preserve the species.

Over the last few years, Assemblyman Thiele has received significant positive feedback and support of this law from both fisherman and conservationists. This proposed extension would continue to protect shark species as well as the traditional shark-fishing sport.

The bill currently awaits action by the Senate. Senator Ken LaValle is the sponsor of the Senate companion bill, S.6678.