Thiele Earns a 100% Rating From the New York State League of Conservation Voters

Thiele is one of 13 assembly members to receive a perfect score, and the only Long Island assembly member

The New York State League of Conservation Voters has released its State Environmental Scorecard for the 2017 State Legislative Session. It is the first time that NYSLCV has issued such a scorecard for the State Legislature. The New York State League of Conservation Voters is a statewide environmental organization that advocates for environmental legislation and endorses candidates for office.

Assemblyman Fred Thiele (I, D, WF, WE-Sag Harbor) has received a 100% score for the 2017 session. He was one of 13 members of the State Assembly to receive a perfect score and the only member of the Long Island delegation to earn a score of 100%.

The ranking is based upon 16 bills introduced in the State Assembly on issues relating to climate change, clean water, clean air, renewable energy, open space, and solid waste. Thiele either sponsored or voted in favor of all 16 bills.

Thiele stated, “I am pleased to be recognized by the NYS League of Conservation Voters for my work on the environment during the 2017 State Legislative Session. On eastern Long Island, our environment is our economy. Our key industries of farming, fishing, tourism, and second homes cannot thrive without resources such as clean water and open spaces. I look forward to continuing to pursue these goals on behalf of my district and all of New York State.”