Thiele Wins Concessions on Commercial Fishing Licensing and Permits

DEC will meet with commercial fishermen this fall to discuss revisions to commercial fishing permit regulations

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. today announced that the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will meet this fall with the commercial fishing industry to discuss revisions to the current regulatory structure for commercial fishing licenses and permits.

Thiele stated that his office has frequently been contacted by members of the commercial fishing industry about problems with the state, related to access to the fishing industry and the transfer of permits and licenses. “The current regulations create major problems that thwart the proper operation of this vital East End industry. I am pleased that the DEC has committed to coming to Long Island and to discuss these issues and to find solutions.”

This legislative session, the DEC sought legislation to continue the current fishing license and permit structure through 2020. Thiele objected and raised a multitude of problems that local fishermen were having in getting licenses and permits as well as transferring existing licenses and permits. Assemblyman Steve Englebright, Chair of the Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee, supported Thiele’s position.

As a result, the bill was revised by reducing the extension from 3 years to 1 year, until the end of 2018. In the meantime, the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation has agreed to meet with the commercial fishing industry on Long Island to discuss licensing and permitting issues. The meeting will occur this fall on Long Island. The goal will be to reach consensus on changes to licensing and permit procedures that can be introduced as legislation in the 2018 legislative session in Albany which would become effective at the end of 2018.

Thiele stated, “I thank Assemblyman Steve Englebright for recognizing that there are problems with the current regulations. I also thank the DEC for agreeing to meet with Long Island fishermen to solve these problems. Finally, Senator Ken LaValle is to be commended for his unwavering support of the commercial fishing industry in the State Senate. I look forward to a productive process that will yield legislation that will better serve our commercial fishermen.”