Thiele Announces Public Library Construction Grant Award for Montauk Library

New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE-Sag Harbor) today announced that Montauk Library is the recipient of a $79,980 New York State Public Library Construction Grant, which will be used to replace its roof as well as its doors so that they are fire compliant.

The New York State Education Department/New York State Library approved 216 construction awards to public libraries and public library systems throughout New York State. These awards are supported by a $19 million capital fund appropriation in the 2016 State Budget for construction and renovation of public libraries and public library systems in New York State.

New York’s public libraries are in urgent need of renovation, upgrading, and expansion. A recent survey of New York’s public libraries showed a documented need for construction and renovation projects totaling more than $2.2 billion. More than 51% of the over 1,000 public library buildings in communities across New York are over 60 years old. Another 33% are more than three decades old. Many of New York’s local public libraries are unable to accommodate users with disabilities, cannot provide Internet and computer and other electronic technologies to users because of outdated and inadequate electrical wiring, and do not have sufficient space to house the library’s expanding collection, address the need for adequate meeting room, or provide for public access computers. In addition, many have outdated and inefficient heating/air conditioning and lighting systems that are costly to maintain and hazardous to the environment.

State Aid for Library Construction help local libraries and library systems to build new libraries, create additions, update electrical wiring to accommodate computer technology, meet standards of energy efficiency, renovate facilities to provide full accessibility to library users with disabilities, and provide meeting rooms to accommodate community needs.