Assemblyman Thiele: New York Health Act Ensures No One Will Be Without Health Care Coverage

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE – Sag Harbor) announced that he sponsored the New York Health Act, legislation that would create a universal single-payer plan to provide health coverage to every New York resident A.4738. The bill passed the Assembly 94 – 46 on May 16, 2017.

The New York Health Act would establish a universal health care system within the state, known as New York Health, and expand coverage eligibility to include all residents, regardless of wealth, income, age or pre-existing condition. In addition, every enrollee would have access to the full range of doctors and service providers offered. The plan would provide comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care, primary and preventive care, maternity care, prescription drug costs, laboratory testing, rehabilitative care and dental, vision and hearing care.

Out-of-state health care would also be covered, both when the need for services arises during travel and when there is a clinical reason to receive care outside the state.

Care providers and coordinators would be fully paid by New York Health, with no co-pays, deductibles or other charges to patients. The system would be publicly funded based on a shared 80/20 employer/employee payroll tax contribution that would be progressive and based on the amount the employee is paid. This eliminates the regressive tax of premiums, co-pays and deductibles that is currently imposed on patients. Employers would no longer be responsible for paying premiums – saving them money – and they would also no longer have to sign contracts with insurance companies and deal with the administration of health plans. Further, small businesses wouldn’t be forced to compete with the health plans offered by their large corporate competitors.

Additionally, state funding would be combined with federal funds that are currently received for Medicare, Medicaid and Child Health Plus to create the New York Health Trust Fund. The state would also seek federal waivers that will allow New York to completely fold those programs into New York Health. The local share of Medicaid funding would be ended, offering major property tax relief for New Yorkers.

“An inability to pay, or a pre-existing condition, should never stop you from going to the doctor’s appointment, receiving the tests and getting the treatment that could save your life,” said Assemblyman Thiele. “Yet, all too often, families are forced to face a cruel dilemma – pay for costly health care or put food on the table. Universal health care is both the better choice and the right thing to do. In the long run, a single-payer system not only improves care, but also saves money.”


The system that would be put in place through the New York Health Act has proven to be more cost-efficient than alternatives. In 2009, the state Department of Health published a report showing that a single-payer system would provide the lowest cost for universal coverage when compared with private and employer-based insurance.[1] Moreover, in light of federal legislation passed by the House, the possibility of millions of New Yorkers losing coverage has become a very real, life-or-death concern, noted Assemblyman Thiele. The House bill could leave as many as 2.7 million New Yorkers without health insurance coverage.[2]

“Health care should not be a luxury, plain and simple. For anyone to argue otherwise is contrary to what this state stands for,” said Assemblyman Thiele. “Here in New York we need a system that provides the seniors who depend on prescription medication or the parents whose baby was born with a pre-existing condition with the health care they need no matter what.”


