Final State Budget Includes Capital Funds for Stony Brook–Southampton Campus and Suffolk Community College Eastern Campus

State budget provides $5 million to support development of Academic and Student Program Space and $2 million for the state share for the Health and Sports Facility at the community college

New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE-Sag Harbor) today announced that the 2017 final State Budget contains new state funding for two major higher education priorities for the East End.

The capital plan for the State University includes $5 million for the Stony Brook-Southampton Campus to renovate existing buildings to create new academic space. In recent years, the State has constructed a $10 million new Marine Sciences Building on the campus and has provided $7.5 million for general campus improvements. The appropriation of an additional $5 million will further enhance efforts to revitalize Southampton.

In addition, the SUNY capital plan includes an additional $2 million in state funds for the Health and Sports Center at the Eastern Campus of Suffolk County Community College (SCCC). The total cost of the project will be about $20 million and is funded by the state and county on a 50/50 basis. The additional $2 million from the state was required because of the unanticipated increases in cost of the facility reflected in the bidding process.

Thiele stated, “Both Suffolk County Community College and Stony Brook-Southampton are a critical part of higher education on the East End. After floundering for years due to lack of funds during the Great Recession, Southampton has now rebounded from nearly closing to become a recognized center for graduate studies in marine science, fine arts, and health sciences. Nearly 500 students are now studying at the campus with a continuing upward trajectory projected for the future. The $5 million will permit the University to recondition existing space to provide for new programs and increased enrollment.”

Thiele added, “The Health and Sports Center at the Eastern Campus of SCCC has been on the drawing board for more than two decades. Not only will this Center enhance the experience of SCCC college students, but it will also be a resource for the entire community, particularly the swimming pool which has long been a dream for East End residents. The cooperation of the County was essential under a tight state budget timeline. I want to thank County Legislator Bridget Fleming for her role in securing the 50% county share of additional funds which were needed before the State could act. Of course, the role of my partner, State Senator Ken LaValle, Chair of the Senate Higher Education Committee, was critical to success on the state level.”