Final State Budget Continues Funding for South Fork School Based Mental Health Initiative

$175,000 appropriation will continue services to local schools for mental health services

New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE-Sag Harbor) today announced that the 2017 final State Budget contains $175,000 to continue the successful South Fork Community Mental Health Initiative. The program, a partnership between the State, Southampton Hospital, Family Service League and local governments and schools, was initiated as a result of a community collaborative initiated by Assemblyman Thiele at the request of East Hampton School District several years ago, in response to the lack of mental health services for school age children on the East End. As a result, a new school based program was created with the funding coming from the State with additional support from local governments and schools.

The program has been hailed as a great success in dealing with mental health crisis situations, as well as providing preventive services to middle school and high school age children. Because of the success on the South Fork, the North Fork is looking to replicate the program in their communities.

Thiele stated, “We still have a long way to go to provide the full range of help and services needed on the South Fork to treat mental illness. This program has provided a meaningful beginning. I am pleased that the state funds were approved to continue the program and build upon prior success.”