Thiele Co-Sponsors Legislation to Increase School Aid for Districts with Growth in Enrollment and English Language Learners

Legislation would provide $113 million in additional state aid to school districts with general enrollment growth and growth in enrollment in English Language Learners (ELL)

New York State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, WE-Sag Harbor) has sponsored legislation with Anthony Brindisi and 23 other members of the State Assembly to revise the State Aid to Education formula by taking into account both increases in enrollment and the increase in enrollment in English Language Learners (ELL).

Specifically, the bill would provide additional aid to school districts with growth in enrollment over .4% and increasing populations of English language learner students.

Many school districts, including those on eastern Long Island, have experienced recent and dramatic increases in enrollment. An updated and fully funded Foundation Aid formula would normally account for these additional students. However, the formula has not fully done so since the 2008-09 school year. This bill will support districts and students with substantial enrollment growth until the Foundation Aid can be fully funded.

Students who are English language learners need extra support in school. School districts throughout the state are required to help ensure their academic success. However, the extra needs that these students present require additional resources. While the Foundation Aid formula includes a moderate and indirect adjustment for English language learner students, that mechanism has proven to be insufficient. This bill would make up for the flaws in the formula and help many school districts provide a quality education to their growing English language learner populations.

In the 1st Assembly District, this legislation would provide additional aid to 17 school districts. Seven school districts would benefit from both adjustments for enrollment increases and ELL.

Thiele stated, “The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that each school district must educate every child within the district and provide them with a sound, basic education. Our local schools are doing their best to meet that challenge. However, the lack of a coherent immigration policy on the federal level is resulting in an increasing demand for ELL and a growth in enrollment. The federal government provides no real funding for these increased costs. The state aid formula does not adequately fund these expenses either. At the same time, school districts must meet the requirements of the tax cap. This legislation would reduce the financial burden on local schools by providing $113 million in additional school aid to reflect enrollment increases from whatever source and the increased costs associated with ELL.”

The bill is sponsored in the State Senate by State Senator Kemp Hannon of Nassau County.