Statement from State Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. on Federal Proposal to Permit Oil and Gas Drilling Off the Coast of Long Island

All levels of government on Long Island are engaged in intensive efforts to improve the quality of our surface waters. New York State is home to 3 of the 28 estuaries of national significance, including the Peconic Bay, New York Harbor, and Long Island Sound. Our Long Island South Shore Bays are designated as an estuary of state significance. Tourism and fishing are major New York industries that depend on clean water and pristine beaches.

In summary, both our environment and our economy depend on clean oceans, bays, wetlands and beaches.

All of this would be put at risk by permitting oil and gas drilling off of our coast. It is a reckless proposal which must be rejected out of hand. An oil spill off the coast of Long Island would destroy our economy and our quality of life.

I support Governor Cuomo’s request to the federal government to exempt New York State from the offshore drilling plan. Absent action by the Secretary of the Interior, the New York State Congress delegation should enact legislation to remove our state from this foolhardy initiative.

Long Islanders must join together to defeat this proposal.