Assemblyman Thiele: Donate Blood Today and Help Save a Life

New York Blood Center is encouraging East End residents to donate blood to help rebuild and maintain the blood supply this winter. Following the holidays, the blood supply can reach low levels with type O- most critically needed.

Donating blood is safe and simple. The entire process takes about an hour, and the actual donation is done by a specially trained technician and usually takes less than 15 minutes. Once the donation is complete you’ll have time to relax and enjoy cookies and refreshments.

Locally, only about 2 percent of eligible donors give blood in comparison to 5% who donate nationwide. The number one reason most people don’t donate blood is because no one has ever asked them to. Anyone who is eligible to donate is strongly encouraged to do so; however, those with type O blood are most urgently needed.

Your donation can make a difference and help save a life. Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood. Statistically, 1 in 3 people will need a blood product in their lifetime; from surgical, trauma and cancer patients to those with blood disorders. Because blood can’t be manufactured or harvested, New York Blood Center and people in our community depend on the generosity of the public to meet our blood supply needs. If only 1% more of Americans donated, blood shortages would disappear.

If you are eligible, please get involved and make a donation as soon as possible. People who are at least 17 years of age (16 with parental consent), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in good health may be eligible to donate blood. For more information about donating blood or to make an appointment to donate, please visit the New York Blood Center Website or call 1-800-933-BLOOD (1-800-933-2566).