Assemblyman Thiele: Assembly Budget Provides $40 Million for 2020 Census Efforts to Help Ensure Everyone is Counted

The 2020 Census will have major implications on the future of our state. Undercounting could result in drastic cuts to the federal funding we rely on to maintain our hospitals, schools and transportation infrastructure, as well as jeopardize the size of our congressional representation. We need to ensure every person is counted this time around – there’s too much at stake.

The 2019-20 Assembly budget proposal includes $40 million to promote the census and to assist with funding for local outreach efforts. Neighborhood organizations not only know their communities best, but their members are trusted and will be better able to motivate people to participate.

Libraries are going to play a major role in this census as it is being offered online for the first time.[1] The Census Bureau is aiming to receive half of its submissions in 2020 online, but this can be a real issue for lower-income households and communities with limited internet access. Libraries bridge this divide. Not only are they the primary channel of internet access for many, but public libraries across the state are hosting programs and setting up census stations to inform communities about the importance of the census and how to participate. We need to ensure our libraries are getting the funding they need to implement these programs.

Each person not counted costs New York thousands of dollars in federal aid.[2] We cannot afford to be undercounted.