Thiele Legislation to Give East Hampton Volunteer Ocean Rescue and Auxiliary Squad State Recognition Passes Assembly

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D, WF, REF - Sag Harbor) announced that the New York State Assembly unanimously passed his legislation that would designate the East Hampton Volunteer Ocean Rescue and Auxiliary Squad (EHVOR) as an emergency rescue and first aid squad under the General Municipal Law (A.7493, same as S.5571 LaValle).

EHVOR has been responding to water emergencies, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, since 2003. Their mission is to make expedient and safe water rescues year-round at all unprotected beaches in East Hampton Town. Over the last few years, the leadership of EHVOR has worked very hard to organize and structure the squad in a manner similar to Fire Departments. The Chain of Command consists of Chiefs, Captains and Lieutenants with three squads out of Montauk, Amagansett and East Hampton Village. Each of these squads are set up with Jet ski response vehicles for year-round service and all of the Suffolk County Volunteer Lifeguards that serve as members of EHVOR are certified in (NIMS) National Incident Management System so that they are able to respond to multi-agency calls. They train year-round for all types of water emergencies and have started to expand training/expertise to other advance water rescues like swift water rescues for flood situations. Additionally, the EHVOR provides educational training programs to the public and offers their services to a plethora of events supporting charities across the East End.

This legislation is a special act for the State of New York to authorize the town of East Hampton to designate EHVOR, by the adoption of a resolution by the Town Board, as an emergency rescue and first aid squad under Section 209-b of the General Municipal Law. Once designated, one green light may be affixed to any motor vehicle owned by an EHVOR member, a family member or a business enterprise in which the EHVOR member has a proprietary interest or by which is employed, given the permission of the chief officer.

Assemblyman Thiele stated, “The East Hampton Volunteer Ocean Rescue and Auxiliary Squad carries out critical life-saving functions and services to our East End Community, and their tremendous public service deserves to be recognized. I am pleased that my Assembly colleagues from across the state unanimously agreed, and passed this legislation as the first step toward this rightful designation.”