Assemblyman Thiele: Federal Aid is Critical for State and Local Governments, Budget Cuts Imminent Without

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, state and local governments have been on the front lines assuming the tremendous cost of combatting the virus. As a result, local governments here on Long Island and across New York State are reeling from the financial devastation of the virus, and are experiencing severe losses in revenue. Local governments remain responsible for providing vital programs and services that we depend on, especially during this time of crisis, from public safety to senior support to garbage removal. Not providing aid to municipalities means that the government is neglecting to aid our first responders, police, fire services, and teachers, and is risking widespread layoffs and the halting of these critical services. Assistance from the federal government is absolutely vital to maintaining essential programs and ensuring that New Yorkers can return to their everyday lives.

Congress is currently negotiating a short-term federal funding measure of approximately $908 billion in COVID-19 relief. Proportionate aid for New York’s local governments and the costs incurred by the state through combatting the virus, as a direct result of federal negligence, must be included. Without it, the state is facing catastrophic budget cuts and an imminent loss of essential services.

We have reached the critical point. As the federal government negotiates this most recent relief package proposal, I implore Congress and our New York delegation to include fair and adequate funding for state and local governments among their highest priorities. The time to act is now. We must ensure that local governments are equipped with the necessary resources to continue to combat COVID-19, mitigate its long-term impacts, and protect the health and safety of our citizens. Most importantly, we must avoid the catastrophic budget cuts that will inevitably occur without federal funding. As the Chair of the Assembly Local Governments Committee, I will continue to fight on behalf of our local governments to that end.