Assemblyman Thiele: Peconic Land Trust to Receive Two Conservation Partnership Awards

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D - Sag Harbor) today announced that the Peconic Land Trust has been awarded two Conservation Partnership Awards through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to protect open space, improve water quality and support the local economy. The Peconic Land Trust will receive one $34,500 grant for stewardship & resource management, in addition to a $44,000 transaction grant.

The Peconic Land Trust is among 50 not-for-profit land trusts across the state to receive a grant for 69 projects. $2.2 million in funding is being awarded through the Conservation Partnership Program, which is administered by The Land Trust Alliance in coordination with the DEC, along with an additional $2.6 million in private and local funding to protect water quality and farmland, boost public access for outdoor recreation, and conserve open space to benefit community health, tourism, and economic development.

Since the Conservation Partnership Program's inception in 2002, and including this year's grants, the program has awarded 997 grants totaling $21.7 million to 91 land trusts. Cumulatively, the State's investment has leveraged $23.8 million in additional funding from local and private sources. The grant awards range from $3,161 to $100,000, with $150,500 in total being directed toward Long Island. A detailed breakdown of these grants is available on the DEC website, here.

Assemblyman Thiele stated, “The work of the Peconic Land Trust to preserve land and protect the environment on the East End has been unmatched. I am pleased that their vital work has once again been recognized by the State, and that they are set to receive this substantial support that will go a long way in their continued fight for conservation.”