Assemblyman Thiele: NYSDOT Project to Resurface Portion of NYS Route 27 in Montauk Moves Forward

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D- Sag Harbor) today announced that he has been notified by the NYS Department of Transportation (DOT) that the Montauk Highway resurfacing project has now entered the design phase. The project will repave NYS Route 27 from South Etna Avenue to Montauk Point, a stretch spanning approximately 5 miles.

The project will restore the pavement riding surface by removing the existing asphalt overlay, repairing any damage to the underlying base and resurfacing with new asphalt. This project will also install and upgrade sidewalk curb ramps to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Construction is scheduled to begin later this year.

Assemblyman Thiele stated, "I wish to thank the New York State DOT for acting to resurface this section of NY State Route 27, a heavily-trafficked route leading from the Village to the Montauk Lighthouse. I have long advocated for this resurfacing project that will enhance the safety and mobility of all travelers, and look forward to its completion."