Thiele Re-Appointed to Leadership Position in New York State Assembly by Speaker Heastie

Thiele will serve as Chairman of the Assembly Local Governments Committee

Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (I, D- Sag Harbor) has been re-appointed by Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie to be the Chairman of the Assembly Standing Committee on Local Governments. Thiele has previously served as the Chair of the Assembly Small Business and Libraries and Educational Technology committees.

The Local Governments Committee considers the legislative needs of New York State’s local governments, including counties, cities, towns, villages, school districts, fire districts, and various other special districts and local agencies. Local issues addressed in this committee in the past have included the Peconic Bay region septic system replacement loan program, water quality improvement projects, as well as matters related to open space, transportation, local land use and housing.

Thiele stated, “I am honored to be re-appointed as part of the new leadership team by Speaker Heastie. Local governments directly impact the daily lives of residents, from roadways and schools to public water, law enforcement and fire protection. It is the level of governance closest to the people, who have placed their trust in local officials to maintain the community’s well-being. The Local Governments Committee did great work during my first term as Chairman, and I look forward to continuing to expand on that progress.”

Thiele’s decades of experience in local government make him aptly qualified for the esteemed chairman position. As Southampton Attorney and later Southampton Town Supervisor, he was involved in numerous town initiatives including open space, environmental conservation, transportation, affordable housing, economic development and government reform. He also served in the Suffolk County Legislature. Thiele was elected to the New York State Assembly in 1995 and has been re-elected to the Assembly ever since.

Thiele added, “Continuing as the Chair of the Local Governments committee is a welcomed challenge, but as always, the people of the 1st Assembly District come first. I see this leadership role not only from a statewide perspective but as a way to improve the lives of the people who elected me to office.”

Assemblyman Thiele also sits on the Assembly Rules; Environmental Conservation; Oversight, Analysis & Investigation; and Transportation committees.