Assembly Passes Legislation to Grant Time Off to Receive Vaccinations

Assemblyman Fred Thiele today announced that he helped pass legislation granting up to four hours of paid time off for public and private sector employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination (A.3354-B). Thiele co-sponsors this legislation, which is now under the review of the Senate Civil Service and Pensions Committee.

While many public employees are now authorized to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, it is vital that these essential civil servants, which include healthcare workers, emergency medical service personnel, staff in congregate care facilities, police officers, firefighters, corrections officers, teachers and more, receive the vaccine in as expeditious a manner as possible in order to continue serving on the frontlines of this pandemic at decreased risk to themselves and their families. Similar to existing laws which provide employees with paid time off for health-related matters such as mammograms and prostate cancer screenings, this legislation grants both public and private sector employees up to four hours of paid leave to receive the coronavirus vaccine. 

Assemblyman Thiele stated, “We have depended on our frontline and essential workforce throughout the pandemic, and we must continue to give New Yorkers every possible opportunity to get vaccinated should they so choose. I was proud to vote in favor of this legislation to help move New York closer toward herd immunity.”