Assembly Passes Legislation to Extend Death Benefits to Families of Municipal Frontline Workers

Assemblyman Fred Thiele today announced that he helped pass legislation granting up to extend the provisions granted last year that ensure families of municipal frontline workers who lost their lives to COVID-19 as a result of their service receive the benefits they deserve (A.3988).

Last year, the Assembly passed critical legislation to provide an accidental death benefit to the beneficiaries of our frontline workers. This benefit is paid to public employees who die on the job as a result of an accident. The accidental death benefit is more substantial than the ordinary death benefit for public workers. Today’s legislation will extend these provisions from December 31, 2020 through December 31, 2022.

Assemblyman Thiele stated, “While many employees have been able to telecommute and work from the safety of their homes during this pandemic, our frontline workers like medical professionals, first responders, sanitation and transit workers have not been afforded this option. They have continued serving their communities at the expense of their health, safety, and in many cases, their lives. I was proud to support this legislation to ensure that the families of municipal frontline workers who lost their lives to COVID-19 as a result of their service receive the benefits they so rightfully deserve.”