Assemblyman Thiele: State Legislature Will Revoke Governor’s Emergency Powers

Last year, when COVID-19 first threw our state into turmoil, an overwhelmingly bipartisan legislative majority granted the Governor emergency powers to quickly deal with the sudden crisis. While the uncertainty we all faced at the beginning of the pandemic may have initially warranted granting extraordinary executive authority to protect the health and safety of New Yorkers, it is clearly now the time to get back to a normal working order.

I have long supported the curtailing of the Governor’s emergency authority granted under Chapter 23 of the Laws of 2020, and a return to the traditional emergency authority granted to Governors under the Executive Law. I co-sponsored legislation, introduced on May 22, 2020, which would have ensured the Legislature's rightful role as a co-equal branch of government during a state disaster emergency declaration by making the Governor's actions subject to review every 30 days. On December 28, 2020, I voted in favor of a Republican-sponsored amendment that also would have restored the Legislature's rightful role as a co-equal branch of government. This should not be a partisan issue, but a matter of protecting constitutional checks and balances.

I will be strongly supporting legislation to be introduced by the Assembly that will revoke the Governor’s emergency powers. The measure – agreed upon with the Senate – immediately revokes the emergency powers and ensures legislative oversight of changes to state laws or directives. Key legislative committee chairs will be involved and the governor will have to work transparently and collaboratively on efforts to combat the pandemic. This legislation also increases the control and power of local governments, which is imperative.

The Assembly legislation is the smart, responsible and appropriate way to address this issue as we fight to finally end this pandemic. The time to act is now. I look forward to voting in favor of this measure later this week, and to continuing to work with my colleagues to protect the health and safety of all New Yorkers.