Statement from Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. on Assembly Impeachment Inquiry

“The harrowing and detailed accounts of pervasive sexual harassment and assault at the hands of Governor Cuomo depict egregious abuses of power that have no place in any work environment, especially not in the highest office of the New York State government. Further, allegations regarding the cover-up of nursing home deaths and a possible cover-up relating to safety concerns regarding the Mario Cuomo Bridge also raise issues of abuse of power.

I support Speaker Heastie’s referral to the Assembly Judiciary Committee to initiate an investigation regarding impeachment. This inquiry must be completed thoroughly and expeditiously, in cooperation with the investigation being conducted under the capable authority of the Attorney General, as well as other pending inquiries. The brave women that continue to come forward must be given every opportunity to be heard and supported.

Should the findings of the Assembly investigation confirm the allegations or indicate that the Governor abused his power, he must be removed from office and face the fullest consequences for his actions.”