Senator Gaughran, Assemblyman Thiele Announce State Budget Fully Restores $39 Million in ‘AIM’ Funding to Local Governments

Executive budget proposed cutting $39 million+ from local governments

Huntington, NY Today, Senator Jim Gaughran and Assemblyman Fred Thiele, Chairs of the Committee on Local Government in the Senate and Assembly respectively, announced this year’s State budget, adopted this week, has fully restored Aid and Incentives for Municipalities aka ‘AIM’ funding. The Executive proposed cutting over $39 million, including from Long Island town and village government budgets, a change Gaughran and Thiele decried.

The State Legislature, led by Gaughran and Thiele, demanded full restoration of this funding, to compensate for what the Long Island region sends to Albany each year. Town supervisors and village mayors rely on this vital funding to maintain programs and services – including senior services, public safety services, mental health initiatives, youth programs, and public infrastructure.

Senator Jim Gaughran said “Local governments rely on this crucial State aid to provide residents with essential services including public safety, water quality, or paved roads. I was proud to work with my partner, Assemblyman Thiele, to restore AIM funding and ensure Long Island local governments receive their fair share of funding from Albany. This is particularly important as municipalities have been at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic response, providing around-the-clock services to residents, including unprecedented public health programs and services that have been crucial to beating COVID-19.”

Assemblyman Fred Thiele said “After a year that has left local governments across the state in dire fiscal distress, it was imperative that the state provide adequate necessary support funding to our municipalities. Local governments have been on the front lines providing essential services throughout the pandemic, and I was proud to have joined with Senator Gaughran in fighting for the restoration of this vital aid. I look forward to continuing our work together on behalf of New York’s local governments.”

NYCOM Executive Director Peter A. Baynes said “Given that local governments throughout the State are doing all that they can to address the impacts of COVID-19 on their municipal budgets and to comply with a less than 2% tax cap that is now permanent, the restoration of the AIM funding cuts was a critical element of this year’s State Budget. On behalf of NYCOM’s 575 members – and especially those on Long Island – we thank Senator Gaughran and Assemblyman Thiele for their unwavering commitment to these communities and their residents.”

Gerry Geist, Executive Director for the Association of Towns, said “The Association of Towns was pleased to see that the cuts to AIM and AIM related payments originally proposed in the Executive Budget did not make it to the state’s final budget, in no small part due to the efforts of Senator Gaughran and Assemblymember Thiele. Both legislators continually exhibit a willingness to work with and advocate for local governments and understand the critical need for funding as towns continue to provide essential services during the ongoing pandemic.”