Statement from Assemblyman Fred W. Thiele, Jr. on Guilty Verdicts in the Derek Chauvin Trial

“Earlier this week, people across the nation and across the world awaited the verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, which was captured over the course of a 9 minute 29 second video. The murder of Mr. Floyd was an egregious criminal act, for which Derek Chauvin was held accountable and was rightfully convicted on all counts.

While this verdict is certainly a victory and a step in the right direction in the continued fight for justice, it is not enough. It is clear that this tragedy was not an isolated incident but was the consequence of a flaw in the justice system that has perpetuated harm and oppression within many of our communities. Action at all levels of government is both necessary and long overdue.

Last year, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, the New York State Legislature passed a package of bills that had at its heart transparency and accountability. Included among the package was legislation to open police disciplinary records to public FOIL requests, ban chokeholds and prohibit racial ethnic profiling (Ch. 96 of 2020; Ch. 94 of 2020; A.4615-A). Further, in June 2020 Governor Cuomo issued Executive Order 203, the New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative, which required all municipalities across New York State to develop and adopt a policing reform plan that will maintain public safety while building mutual trust and respect between police and the communities they serve. I am proud to have supported these initiatives that have proven a good start for the State of New York, but there is still plenty of work to be done.

Justice for all is the foundation of our democracy and we must continue our fight toward true equity as we combat the sectors of our society plagued by systemic racism. No one can afford to be silent. I hope that those closest to George Floyd, his friends and family, have been given a sense of closure and peace in this decision. My heart goes out to all of his loved ones who have suffered such a terrible loss.”